Time is working

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Mira had already left the room as her she had to do jobs that Natsu gave her ever since working here.

"Natsu will arrive shortly Lucy, till then be patient"

Mira last said as she walked out the doors.

Lucy was also free from the confinement of the clinic, her feet sore and her head thumping in pain.

Taking a deep breath she had sat in the garden which she avoided since her accident here.

Lucy saw in the corner of her eye sit next to her in the bench, they sat infront of Natsu's ethereal roses.

"Thank you.." the woman said beside her, The voice smooth, filled with all care and compassion.

"For what?--" Lucy asked and turned to the lady but saw nothing but air.

"Was that the lady I saw that changed and attacked me?, the voice is the same.. yeah maybe she was" Lucy thinks as she stands up and feels a ethereal roses.

"I wonder why she thanked me.."


Natsu sat miserably in his office, the paper work was stacking every hour making it endless.

"I have to see Lucy"

"No, As much I want too you need to finish this now, your not the only one getting sick of these  moron"

Massaging his fore head he sighs in dismay.


Levy walks to the clinic, as she was informed of Lucy's situation and worried she immediately rushed her work and came soon as possible.

Knocking on the brown door she grabbed the flaming knob turning it.

"E-excuse me, but where is Lucy?" Levy asked after she popped her head in.

The nurse demon turned to her seemingly bored out of her mind and groans.

" she's discharged so I don't know where she is" the demon says irritated.

"Ok thanks"

Levy closed the door and pouted
"Rude!" She thought


Wendy sat in her bed as she glared at the picture of Natsu but smiled at the letter beside her vanity.

Walking to the letter she blushed, her smile going up to her eyes.

"Thank Natsu-nii, even though you ticked me into this I found my mate.."

Writing something in to a paper she scrolled it up , tied it and gave it to her message slynk.

"Here you go Slynk, be sure to give it to him safely~" Wendy says as she slides it in it's back pouch.

Slynk gurgles and flies away.


Gray glances at Juvia his eyes staring lovingly at her, his eye's gaze soft as a feather.

Yet Juvia stared stoically back at him, not returning what he's giving her.

"It seems our roles changed, is this how you felt when we were young?" Gray thought, his heart hurt, as his lover had lost memories of him.

"How was your day Juvia?"

"Juvia had a fun day until you interrupted Juvia's fun day!"

Gray internally sulked at his lover's statement, his once.sweet caring and obsessed Juvia lost and have been replaced by a rude still cute Juvia.

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