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Flash back end

"Are you kidding me?!, you lied?!" Gajeel shouted

"Well, there's no other way I could make her agree to such a duty, besides she'll be used to it" Natsu explained to walk again

Natsu turned to Gajeel who was still frowning at him
"Metal head, let's go, we must be going, we cannot let Erza angry again"

Gajeel just sighed not wanting argrue

Suddenly a scream starled both Natsu and Gajeel

Being a demon has it's perks, they can see sound waves and spot where a sound came from.

Immediately seeing the waves Gajeel's other side talked

"Gajeel, that sounded like Levy"

"How did you know?!"


"Ok! Ok! Jeez.."

Meanwhile on Natsu

"That came from Luce's room"



Both boys crouched and after a second the both blasted away.

Staff just stared at the two lines that just appeared instead of two people

'There they go again'
The staff thought as they looked on where the two men was headed to


"Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!, PERVERT!!!!!!"

Levy screams while she hurriedly pulls up her top and goes to hit Gray. But due to Levy being petite her punches were unnoticeable.

"You pervert! How dare you!!"

"You didn't even look away!!"

"You really had to stare huh?!?!?!"

Levy shouts while she punches Gray in his chest.

Gray composes himself and softly grabs Levy's small hands, Levy looks up to Gray her face red as tomatoes.

"Look I am sorry-

Before Gray could finish the doors bust open to reveal....

Gajeel and Natsu

The door was ripped from its hinges again

Once Gajeel and Natsu saw Gray they fucking lost it.

Nastu growled, his demon also getting furious at the sight of Gray in Lucy's bedroom
"What the fuck are you doing here Gray?!"

Gray just looked over at them and ignored them like they weren't there
" Look umm... Levy right?"
Levy nodded still blushing
"Look I'm very....s-sorry, Uggh I'm not used to using this word"

Levy giggles and puts her hand on his shoulder
"Don't worry Gray, it's not me that's angry"

Lucy, Gray and Levy turned to the two boys who was glaring at Gray

I mean if looks could kill Gray would've been sent to another world

Lucy sent Levy a look and they both nodded

( you see a specific species can only mind link their own kind. Like angel only to angel and devil to devil)

Lucy hugged Grey's arm so tight you could see his arm being devoured by her boobs, Levy then stood infront of Gray and went close to him like really really close

Her fingertip pointing at Gray on his chest.

Also a bonus to this Gray 'accidentally' removed his shirt earlier

Both girls pretended to scold Gray

"But you know Gray you shouldn't be in a girls bedroom neh?" Levy said puffing her cheeks out

Lucy joined "yeah you planned this all along didn't you?, you maybe kicked one of the dogs to look like they were chasing you"
Lucy whispered in his ear

Gray though he didn't like what they were doing as there were two angry mates just behind the two girls, Gray gulped.

The two girls only giggles

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