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After the incident Lucy was out of the conference room.

Lucy was walking towards the library,  until she heard a crash then she jogged inside.

Only to find Levy under Gajeel with books around them, Levy's face exploded red and her eyes turned spiral.

As Gajeel just had tiny tint of blush in his cheeks, Lucy coughed to get their attention.

Levy pushed Gajeel and stood up.
"A-ah Lu-chan what did you n-need?"

Lucy sighed
Then turned away

Lucy walked out the library feeling more alone than ever.

Levy even has a love life gosh..

Walking around th castle Lucy recognizes  that the people she saw at the conference was still here.

"Huh? They're still here?"

Lucy was about to join them until she saw Zeref, she quickly hid behind the wall sneaked away.

Gosh.. I almost ran in to him, can't have that after our last encounter...

Looking back Lucy saw them much farther

Sighing she continues on her stroll


Lucy huffed, she had walked in on most of the rooms and found nothing out of the ordinary, most of them were filled with bedrooms for the maids and guests anyway.

I can't believe I almost walked in on two demons doing that

After a few more walking Lucy saw a hallway so dark that you could only see the light that emits from the room deep in it.

Huh what's that?

Walking closely Lucy opened the door only to find a.....

...room like museum of some sorts

It was filled with pictures and information of just four people.

Who are these people?-

Suddenly she saw a big picture in the middle that consists of two other people and Natsu?

Oh my goodness are these his parents?

While staring at the picture, Lucy saw a note taped on it at the bottom.

Lucy reads...

"The family of demodragons"

         A family that created a
    hybrid between a demon and a                 dragon, creating a concoction
that will doom us all called Zeref, Natsu,Wendy Dragneel. These are the children powerful enough to kill all demons, beware to not anger him as only the middle child is the strongest than the two.

Lucy reads the note shocked,

Wait, so Natsu is stronger than Zeref? But Natsu only thinks so because Zeref is older?

And did their parents just married so they could a hybrid? Or is this out of love?

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