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"Hey watch where your going!"

Lucy and Levy looked at who they bumped into, Lucy only was confused but Levy knows who it was.

Levy wanted to feel scared but.
It's ok Lu-chan is here, but for extra precautions...

Levy pulled Lucy away from the man's way and dragged her away.

While walking away Lucy asked her.

"Hey Levy-chan do you know them?" Lucy asked whispering

Levy nodded and whispered back.
"The one we bumped into is Sting and the black haired is Rouge, apparently they're both called the 'Twin Dragon'?, I am not quite sure"

Finishing the info Sting shouted
"Hey!!! You didn't say sorry!!"

Levy and Lucy flinched
Gosh what are we gonna do know?!

Rouge patted Sting's shoulder
"Don't bother with them Sting... Yukino and Minerva's waiting for us"

Sting huffed, glaring at the two girls who faced their back at him and turning to the direction they previously were going to.

Both girls sighed in relief.


Levy made her way to her room while Lucy just made it in time in her room too

Plopping on the bed Lucy relaxed her aching back.

Her eyes closed nearing the long awaited slumber of peace.

But it cut short when she heard scripting.

Lucy internally facepalm



Due to Lucy's exhaustion her consciousness was losing its grip.

Coughing a bit to get the blonde haired's attention the now summoned demoness grumbles.
Is this the client Mira was gushing about? I don't see anything special, she looks lazy too

Nevertheless the cherry haired demon sighed
Well it's job

Walking close to Lucy she shook her shoulder, not seeing any reaction the demon sighs once again.

If I could just rattle you just to wake you up I would, but I can't since Mirajane said that the one I'am attending is a 'high class' person

Using her demon powers she removed the exhaustion and tiredness from her client and shook her again.

Lucy fluttered her eyes open, first thing in mind.
How the heck am I not tired anymore?! How many hours did I sleep?!

The demon beside Lucy didn't bother answer the blonde haired girl's questions and just got right on her work.

Lucy looked up the demon beside her
I-is this the planner?

The demoness gave the blonde a blank stare and bowed,

"Good Morning Miss Lucy, I am going to be your planner for today and tomorrow so please tell honest answers to my questions and DO NOT leave a single thing out"

Lucy answered awkwardly
"U-umm ok,"

Time skip..

Lucy and the demon named Sakura (Lucy asked what was her name btw) sat in garden, suggested by Lucy.

The demoness wasn't so fond of sunlight but has no choice but to follow Lucy.

The faster I get the answers the faster I can get to my husband..........


...the bed
The demoness thought as she glared at the sun.

Both girls sat down on the grass. Samurai immediately started asking the questions.

"What theme do you want?"

"Maybe a rose themed garden? I don't know-

"Can you not say you don't know? I need straight answers"

Lucy blushed in embarrassment but nodded "yeah ok"

"A short or long ceremony?"

"Oh, he said short"

In the demoness's mind has still one question lingering on her mind who was this lady's betrothed ?

Considering it was being done in the castle it must be a high official ranking, she wanted to question the lady but didn't want to maybe insult her.

Though Samurai buried the question under and continued on to her task.


After an hour they finished the questionnaire and Samurai hot up to teleport away with documents but Lucy grabbed her wrist.

Samurai glanced at her client her mind raging.

"What is it?"
She asked Lucy

Lucy smiled gently and patted the empty spot beside her and said
"C'mon sit, since you are done we can maybe chat for a bit?, if you don't mind of course "

Sakura was annoyed yes, but didn't wanna lash out so she agreed.

Sighing she plopped back into the ground.

Lucy giggles at the slightly childish attitude of the demon girl.
" Are you curious on who I am betrothed to?"

Sakura's eyes widened at the question. Nodding she stared at the blonde.

Lucy giggles and says "And by the way you would like mine and his daughter if we decided to have kids ya know"

Sakura's eyebrows furrowed, her mind was thinking .

Wait but Lucy doesn't have pink hair?...


Sakura gasps and stands up and bows,"M-my queen!"

Lucy shocked at the girl's reaction just waved it off.

"Can I play with your hair?, I really like it"

Sakura blushed"o-of course!"

Sakura sat down immediately, her back facing the queen.

Lucy felt the girl's hair in amazement. Removing the scrunchie on the bottom part of the hair, Lucy smelt the hair and it was exactly like the sakuras around the palace.


The demoness flustered and honoured,left Lucy saying she needed to go back to work.

Lucy nods and waves her off.

Just as the demoness left someone came behind Lucy..

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