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Since you guys liked the last upload Im mercifully enough to give you one so fast

Now let's get to the story...

Lucy POV
Regaining my consciousness, hearing concerned voices I sat up.

holding my head as it thumps with pain. I groaned.

"What happened..."I whispered to my self

Hearing some voices outside the curtain I listened
"What happened your majesty?!"
Hearing that voice... it's Levy
"Yes big brother what happened to Lucy-san"

So I suppose Wendy , Levy and... oh my goodness the king too?!. I stood slowly away from the bed and opened the curtains, peeking to see what's going on

As I peeked my mind slowly sauntered towards my hand only to see it's uncovered I gasp and held it
"Oh no... I must've left my glove on the garden!"I whispered

I quickly made my way to the bed and hid my hand under the blanket

As on cue my curtains opened only to reveal the girls and the king

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As on cue my curtains opened only to reveal the girls and the king

Both Wendy and Levy hugged me,I glanced at the king only to see him staring at me I blushed at the intently staring and looked the other way

Natsu POV
Hmm there's something about girl, not only that we keep seeing each other but there's this aura around her, it's familiar but I can't put my brain into it

Time skip when Lucy left her room

Levy POV
As Lu-chan left I walked over Erza and Mira and sat beside them

"Oh hey Levy wanna chat or gossip with us?"Mira smiles innocently

"Sure I got nothing to do anyways" I shrugged and looked at them

"So as I was saying... dont  you feel bad for gray? Ever since Juvia got into that accident she was never the same"Erza says

I suddenly remembered the girl I met earlier and the man too so I asked
"Is the Juvia your talking about has blue hair and talks in 3rd POV?"

Erza replies "yeah and did you see a buff man with her?, I was looking everywhere for him"

"Oh!, you mean Gajeel?"


"Oh I found both of the exiting the library"

Erza puts her hand under her chin and thinks then whispers

"That's why I didn't see him"
She suddenly stood up and said
"Sorry ladies but I need to go out for a bit"Erza says as she goes outside, closing the door behind her back and a moment of silence then...

A scurrying of feet was heard
"GAJEEL!!!"Erza shouts from the other side

Mira giggles while I sat in confusion on what just happened "huh-wha?"
Mira looks at me "I suppose you didn't get the situation hm?"Mira asks

I shook my head
"Well~ apparently Erza called for Gajeel as it was time for their duel, but turns out Gajeel didn't show up"

"Oh ok"

Mira then gasps then walks toward the door "umm Mira-san where are you going?"

"Laxus is waiting Levy-san sorry but I won't be able to join you sleepover"

Before I could even reply she was out the door. I sigh sadly and hugged myself, Wendy noticing my sunken mood asks

"Why are you sad Levy-san?"
Wendy leans over

I glanced over Wendy and groaned "ugghh the night's getting boring and lonely"

Wendy giggles

"And Lu-chan is taking too long"

"How about we go search for her?"

I looked around the room

After walking towards the bathroom we saw the king running towards the infirmary holding what it seems to be a yellow blob, we decided to follow him and it turns out the yellow blob was Lucy

Timeskip END

No one POV
As the girls talked about what just happened the king left unnoticed.

Walking down the dimly lit hallway

A pit patter of feet was heard, Natsu turns around only to see the blond lady he saved earlier

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A pit patter of feet was heard, Natsu turns around only to see the blond lady he saved earlier

"Y-your Majesty, th-thank you for saving me earlier... in the garden"Lucy said while bowing hiding her embarrassed face within her hair
"Oh why did I have to run after him this is so embarrassing!"Lucy thoughts

Natsu chuckles"isnt that adorable?"End said to Natsu in their mind
"Yeah"Natsu replied back

"No worries Luce...right?"Natsu asks not sure if he got her name right

"Lucy my king not Luce"Lucy explains

Natsu ponders for a bit then smiles " nah I'll just call you Luce, that'll be like your nickname!"

Lucy blushes as she looked at Natsu as she couldn't believe that the monstrous king of hell just gave her a nickname even after a few days that they met

"I-if that's what you like my-"
"Just call me Natsu"

Lucy's face was redder than Erza's hair.

she was so suprised that she even get to call the king by his first name

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she was so suprised that she even get to call the king by his first name

"Ok my king- umm N-Natsu"

Natsu smiles then turns away and waves
"Bye Luce see you tomorrow!"

"B-bye!"Lucy replies back.

Natsu then turns around the corner only to talk to...

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