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Years past
Grandeeny : 20


A war broke out between the royal and revolutionists, a fight where it determines who shall be followed.

Despite this, Igneel and Grandeeny  accepted the order of marriage.

They were still not the king and queen of course, as Aviur (Igneel's father) was stubborn and needs to make sure they were for to run a kingdom.

As a king he needs to fight as his power was powerful, but with so many enemies attacking from all sides he needed the help of his family

Aviur : Fire dragon slayer 1st gen

Orinda : Gravity manipulation

Igneel : Fire dragon slayer 1st gen

Grandeeny : Wind dragon slayer 1st gen

Aviur halted fighting with his army and let his son and daughter in law do it.

Orinda helped the soldiers kill off the large enemies. Aviur planned the attack at the tent just near the fighting grounds.

"Igneel!!" He shouts

"Father?!" Igneel's shouts back, hurrying to get inside the tent.

"Help Grandeeny in the battle field and stop eating!!"

"Of course!"

Igneel's grins and runs out, he had finished eating...........fire.


For the years Grandeeny lived at the palace she had learned to use her magic without taking much energy.

She dodged the multiple demons who tried to attack her, using some of her power in her punches and kicks.

While fighting one she hadn't seen the one sneaking behind her.


Looking behind her she was suddenly pulled in and the monster that was about to attack her was burning to death.

Looking behind her she was suddenly pulled in and the monster that was about to attack her was burning to death

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"You ok?!" He asks

"Y-yeah--- look out!!"

Grabbing the small sword tucked in Igneel's thigh she slashed the demon's throat as it lunged at them, also mixing it with her power it pushed deeper as her strength is weaker as she is a female.

"Ah thanks Grandee!"

Landing he puts her down and immediately dodged back from the foot of a giant orc.

"Fire dragon...

"Wind dragon..


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