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As the two fallen angels walk with the blue haired demon their angelic scent spread throughout the kingdom and Wendy sure was about it, but as time passed they reached their destination. Wendy goes in and invites the two girls inside but as they do a pink haired lady stops them "Wendy! what do you think are you doing?"

"O-oh Ms. Porlyusica this is Levy and Lucy they've been accidentally injured "


"B-by me" Wendy said stuttering

"*sigh* Wendy I know we're demons but you can only hurt the opposing side and that I mean angels"

"I know! , but it was just an accident I swear!. I thought that they were the monsters that had been terrorizing us lately.."

"Fine I believe you just let me heal the girl and get out of here"

Lucy walked towards the healer and sat down the bed, Porlyusica then put her hand above the injury and released a bluish light.

"Hey child are you both new?"

"Umm yes" Lucy says glancing over her black feathers

"Huh that's why, how did you end up here?"Porlyusica said as she notices bits of white spots in the feathers

"Oh... we were accused of murder..." Lucy picks up the black fallen feather and stares at it

"Did you murder though?"

"What!? No! We would never do such a thing!, we wouldn't be in such position if my parents only didn't raise me to be perfect!" Lucy cries in anger as Levy hugs her

"Hmm ok I'm done healing you now get out"

As lucy , levy and Wendy goes out Porlyusica holds a white spotted black feather
" interesting girls I might say... very, I hope she knows what the future holds, but I don't care she's just gonna die later "Porlyusica walks over a large picture of the demon king

"Though I think it will be impossible since He's been through so much it'll break his mind"

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