M-my family..

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Igneel brings Grandeeny inside the palace and calls the maids.

"Maids!!" Igneel calls, his arms helping Grandeeny up, her legs giving up.

Grandeeny meanwhile, sobbed beside him.

"What is it Igneel-sama?" Maids asked, their presence suddenly appearing. Their heads facing the floor in respect.

"Take Grandeeny to the guest room near my room, make her presentable.. you know how father is.." Igneel orders, giving the girl to the maids.

"My Dragon? What is happening? Was that Grandeeny dear?" Igneel's mother asks as she steps down the stairs, her contorted in worry.

"Yes, it is Grandeeny, I still do not know why she came here unguarded " Igneel replies to his mother, his body straightening as he smells his father's scent.

"Once she is ready.. bring her and yourself to my office, me and your mother will be waiting there.. c'mon darling" his father informs and calls his wife to follow.

"Of course darling" his mother says going back to her monotone character

Igneel waits as they were no where in his sight and sighs
"Uggh father is really unbearable.."

The guards glanced at the Prince and his groaning.
"We feel the same kid" the guards thought to themselves as they remember the times their butts clenched at the king walking at their patrolled hall.


Igneel stands at the room where Grandeeny's scent was on, raising his hand he knocked and opened the door.

"Leave us"

The maids bowed to him until they were out of the room. Igneel glances at Grandeeny.

Her eyes red and puffy, but her self was clean and neat.

As he walked to her he noticed the small scratches that were beginning to heal, as her line of ancestors were expert and were medical and had fast regeneration.

She stood there, her upper lip biting down her lower lip, her hands clenched and trembling.

He stops infront of her and asks.
"What happened Grandee?" Igneel asks softly as he used his nickname for her.

Suddenly she sobbed and tears rolled down her cheeks, she raised her arm to cover her face as the other clenched the dress she was given.

Suddenly she sobbed and tears rolled down her cheeks, she raised her arm to cover her face as the other clenched the dress she was given

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"Grandee?" Igneel asks, his chest tightened at the sight of her crying.

"M-mother and f-father.. *sob* We w-were ambushed  *sob*" Grandeeny says as she cried.

"D-despite our regeneration t-that were f-faster than us! Father had no choice but to m-make me run and h-hide!, I c-couldn't even do a-anything!"

Igneel felt time pause,
"Someone ambushed a part of the royal family? A duke.. no demon can do this!"

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