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W.D.Gaster POV(in the Void)

Entry number 1:

I have been trapped in this world of darkness for 2 years now.I have accepted my fate:i will not be able to leave this place.However that is the least of my current concerns.What i had been working on before the...accident...,the way for monsterkind to free itself from the barrier,has been achieved.The human child who goes by name of Frisk somehow,against all odds,survived and freed monsters.I have been able to see the Overworld as a Spectator,a little trick i picked up whilst in here.This child is very interesting:they befriended every soul in the Underground and even agreed to become their Ambassador.But this is not the boy's first it?

Entry number 2:

It has been 6 months since monsters have gone free.This child never ceases to amaze.With the help of the Royal Scientist Alphys,he was able to not only revive prince Asriel,as well as the first fallen human,Chara!I remember those faces and i can say they haven't aged a day...what they must have been through...well,other than these events,nothing particularly special has happened.The monsters and humans get along quite nicely,and the human president Toby Fox seems more than ready to change the ways of old.Perhaps there was no reason for my concern,everything seems stable and everyone looks happy.Still,why i do feel like i'm not seeing the full picture?

Entry number 6:

As expected,humans aren't on the same page about monsters:some have shown kindness towards us,but others remain reluctant and even racist towards us.As a result,humans are rebelling against Mr.Fox,creating cults and even attempted actions against us.Mettaton,a popular celebrity,and a monster,was interrupted during one of his shows for being and i quote," a symbol of why we should rid the Earth of these beasts we know nothing about".And that's not all:cults,focused on creating a new barrier,one which will seal all monsters and their human supporters.Mad men and women,driven insane by their ideals of a perfect world!I have seen quite enough,i must find a way to help!

Entry number 11:

I have discovered something that could help.The barrier's magic seems to not have been destroyed.According to records,human magic doesn't simply disappear and regenerate itself,like the magic of monsters.It would seem that humans have the ability to recall their magic back to their souls,so that they can re-utilize it.However,if the magic cannot find the soul,it becomes useless.The magic in the barrier,cast by the seven wizards should have done the same...but it didn't.Instead,it transcended into the Void and now remains here.But why didn't it disappear?Magic requires a vessel,and being a monster,i cannot be said vessel.So what has attracted this magic into the Void?

Entry number 16:

A soul.A human soul.That is what attracted the magic to the Void.However this soul is grey,much like a monster's.I have never seen such a thing.It's...astounding,to say the least.I have kept it away from the magic in a capsule;i don't know what will happen,but i'm not ready to try this yet.The coloration of the soul must a combination of every color,which explains why it attracted all the 7 magic types,and not just only one.Maybe...i could use it.But how...

Entry number 23:

Riots...Cults...Injustice.Monsters can only reach peace if humans wish for it,otherwise the war will repeat itself,mark my words!Monsters will not be able to defend themselves:we are much weaker,and despite the advantage that humans have lost their magic and are still recovering it,we would be decimated within months.That's it!I have seen quite enough!No matter the price, i will protect my kin!It's time to initiate...

Entry number 27:

After a couple of weeks,i have done it!I released the soul into the Void,allowing it to gather the magic of wizards.However,using my DNA,i maintained the soul in a stable condition,with an experienced training of magic,so that i could use it to go back to the Overworld.But...something happened.The combination of monster DNA,ancient magic and human determination changed the soul's color!Now,instead of grey,the soul possesses some sort of rainbow aura.But there's more,the soul seems to generate physical matter as well as magic,both human and monster!After a couple of days in isolation,the soul synthesized a body as it's host!'s alive...a young boy, around 11 years old,with brown eyes,brown hair and pair of thick black glasses.He is wearing a white polo sweater,similar to mine,and black jeans,as well as brown sneakers.The boy seems unconscious,but otherwise healthy.Hmm...maybe this could be the answer...

 This experiment seems very...interesting...

Note:The adventure begins!!! (i had to give Toby Fox a role,i just had to!)Also,the art isn't mine,i don't know who did it but i cannot take credit.

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