Chapter 21-Kept In The Dark

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3rd person POV

Dante and Undyne were standind outside of the house breathless from the race.

"I won!"Dante said.

"No way,I got here before you."

"I touched the property before you.Technically,I win."

"No,you didn't.Come on!Don't be such a sore loser!"

"I'm not!You're the one who can't admit defeat."

As the two were arguing about who won,Alphys came outside the house.

"Jeez...why are you guys so tired?Was training that intense?"She asked noting their exhausted states.

"Nah,we were just racing here!"Dante said.

"Ah!That explains it!Hey Undyne..."

"Yeah,what's up?"Undyne turned her gaze to her girlfriend.

"I need to show you something...something important..."

"What is it?"

Alphys didn't respond and merely pointed to Dante,who was still recovering from the jog.Dante noticed this and responded:"It's okay.I know when to leave.It's probably about Monster Village management.Well,I'll be at Grillby's if you need me.I'm kinda hungry,anyways..."Dante started walking towards the diner.

"See ya,you guys."He waved goodbye.

"Bye,Dante."Alphys said.

The two made their way inside and Alphys closed the door behind her.

"So,what's going on?"

"It's about Dante..."

Dante's POV

After a small walk,I found myself just outside of the famous restaurant.I walked in and looked around.The usual crowd was at the bar,drinking and talking like always.I looked at the bar,and unsurprisingly Sans was there.I made my way to the stools and gave Sans a pat on the back,before sitting to the one next to him.

"hey kid.what's up?"

"Sup Sans."

"what happened to you?you look pretty...bone tired."He grew his grin a little more than usual.

"Well,I fought Undyne and then I raced her to the house.Pretty much drained my batteries,so I need a refuel."

"say no more.yo,grillbs!"Grillby,who was cleaning a bear mug,turned around to face Sans:"do you mind getting some grub for the kid?"The fiery bartender merely nodded as he went to the kitchen to grab some food.

"Jeez,thanks.But I don't have any cash on me."

"no treat."Sans said nonchalantly.

"Really?Wow,thanks."I thanked him.Despite his creepy nature,he's a still a really nice guy.Grillby came out of the kitchen with a burger in a plate and set it in front of Dante,who dug in immediately.

"thanks,grillby.put it my tab."Grillby looked a little annoyed when Sans said this,but said nothing and went back to cleaning the mug.

"so...i take it training is going great?"Sans started to make small talk.

"Yeah!I can already summon all the weapons that we saw at the museum.I think my favorite is the crimson spear."I said with my mouth still stuffed.

"oh really?i thought you would be more a defensive type...oh well,guess you like to get up close and personal,eh?"

"I like to get to the point and defending isn't as cool as making strikes.Besides,I love to make giant combos of attacks."

"guess you were just...bone to be wild,uh?"I let a small chuckle as I noted the pun.

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