Chapter 47-Squad Up

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Dante's POV

Now that the Deltas have an official task force,Asgore is going to make sure everyone knows about us.However,one of the conditions is that Mayor Fox wants to meet me.Apparently,he needs to make some sort of profile of who is entrusting the safety of the his citizens.So,here I am,standing in City Hall,about to enter his office.

I knocked on the door and waited for his response:

"Yes,come in."

"Mayor Fox?"I asked,while opening the door slowly.

I turned my attention to the Mayor himself.He seemed kinda young.I was expecting some bald guy with grey side hair.Instead,I got a man in his early thirties,with a small black beard and hair and tan skin,wearing a black suit with a white tie.

"Can I help you?"His voice sounded so relax and calm.It was...peculiar,how a Mayor felt so laid-back.

"Yes.I'm here about the Delta task force."

"Ah,yes!You must be Dante.Please,take a sit."

I walked up to the table and pulled the chair to take a sit,as so did Mr.Fox.

"So..."I led him on.He then held out his hand:

"I don't believe there was has been a proper greeting."

I was a little unsure,but I still shook his hand.This is the guy who is approving my position after all.

"All right.Now that's out of the way,let's begin.So,Asgore has chosen you to be a part of this task force.My question is why?"

"Because I want to protect everyone.It want them to be safe."

"Everyone?But mostly monsters."

"I would be lying if didn't say that is true."

"You realize that protecting the monsters is a job mostly for the Royal Guard,right?"

"This isn't my first option.I tried the Guard,but they have an age restriction."

"So this is an alternative.Okay.But why the monsters in specific?Why not the humans too?"

"Monsters took me in when I was abandoned four years ago with a scarred eye and amnesia.They had no reason to just get rid of me,but instead they showed me kindness and affection.I might not remember my old life,but if I ended up with a scarred eye,those emotions were probably not a part of my life.Humans,on the other hand...all they do is stare me down with glares of judgment because of my involvement with monsters.Honestly,I don't really see a lot of reasons to protect humanity."

The mayor was left in silence as he examined me.His silence was almost aggravating to endure.

"Do all humans seem the same to you?"

"No.There are good people,like Chara and Frisk Dreemur.And I know there are more,'s hard to find them."

"Like a needle in a haystack?"

"Something like that."

"How about me?Do you think I'm a good person?"

"I don't know you that well,but I do know what you have done for us and how open you are to the monsters and new concepts.I also know that your great-grandfather created Ebott City and that you are trying to follow in his footsteps.So far,I don't any see sort major flaws,so I believe you are a good person."

"Something about your answer..."


"You said what I have done for you.So,you seem rather close to the monsters.What are they for you?"

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