Chapter 57-It Is You

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3rd person POV

"Dante!Where are you?!"Asriel screamed as the group continued their search for him.

They had been searching for a while now and there was still no sign of either Dante or Sullivan.Worries filled their hearts as they wondered what could have happened.

"where the heck is he?"

"I don't know.He isn't responding."Asriel said,still filled with worry.

"Maybe we should go back.Get more people to help us search."Frisk suggested.

"He might be hurt,so if we leave,we might not find him in time."Chara objected.

Suddenly,a grunt could be heard from among the trees.It sounded like someone was hurt.The group rushed over to it and found it's source:it was Dante,resting on a tree as he held his chest.

"Dante!"Asriel crouched down and gave Dante a hug.

"Ah!Easy..."Dante said,making Asriel pull back.

"Oops!Sorry.Are you okay?"

"Yeah,I'm fine...just a little worn out."

"we're glad you're okay kid."

"Thanks Sans."

"Dante...what was that?"Chara asked.

"That?That was awesome,is what it was!I mean,seriously,did you guys see that?!"He could barely contain the excitement in his words.

"Since when can you do that?"

"Since Gaster spoke to me about my true power.After I was knocked out by Sullivan,I went straight to the Void and Gaster taught me how to do it.If I combine my human magic with my monster magic,then that happens."

"You were almost like Undyne with her Undying form."Asriel putted.

"Oh yeah!Now I got a transformation too!I need a name for it!"

"You did already name one of your attacks."Frisk replied with a smirk.

"Oh yeah.Chaotic Fall,right?"Asriel asked,making Dante a little embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah...that kinda popped up in the heat of the moment.It just felt so anime though!"He said,shifting his embarrassment to his earlier excitement.The group all shared a small laugh,before Chara brought up the bigger question:

"Dante,where is Sullivan?"

Dante grew serious:"Pulverized.I saw it with my own eyes.In the end,he met his own Chaotic Fall."


"Oh!Sorry...Anyways,yeah.He won't hurt anyone anymore."

As Dante said this,Frisk made a little sad expression,which Chara picked up on.


"Sorry.Don't mind me."

"Frisk,what's wrong?"Chara grabbed his hand and gripped tightly to let him know she was here for him.

"It's just...I know he wasn't a good person,but...I don't like to see anyone die.Especially in a painful way."

Chara embraced her lover in a hug which he held.But while the Chara comforted Frisk,Dante shot a disgusted glare at Frisk and a sharp grin.

"Don't worry about it Frisk.He didn't deserve to live anyways."

Dante shifted his grin to a softer smile as Chara shot him a "I'll kill you" glare,already used to this from her.Luckily,the tension was broken by screams coming from the other side of the forest:

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