Chapter 24-Melodic Charm

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Dante was wandering around Ebott High School.He got somewhat curious as to how regular students were taught.Unfortunately for him,the teachers had some keen eyes and he got spotted as he sneaked into the classes.It also didn't help him that a 12 year old stuck out like a sore thumb in a room filled with juniors.

Despite this,Dante was still having fun with roaming the school.It was one of the biggest buildings he was ever in.Just the center building was so big,he had gotten lost in it about four times already.The school also had a cafeteria building,an enormous football field and an backyard parking yard,since the front one wasn't enough for all the cars.

As Dante was roaming the halls,he noticed several classrooms on his left and some lockers on the right.He passed by a table in the middle of the hallway with a chair and a couple of papers on it.He was about to move on,when he noticed someone behind him.

"Excuse me!"The boy called Dante to stop him.He had freckles and ginger hair,and was wearing a green cardigan with a sash across his body that said"Hall Monitor.":

"Can I see your hall pass,please?"He said to the Dante,who was kinda struck with confusion.

"Hall...pass?"He asked.Since he didn't  go to school,he obviously didn't understand all codes and protocols.

"Yes.Are you telling me you DON'T have an all pass?"

Dante could tell from his tone that he broke a rule,so he quickly came up with a plan.

"Of course I have it!"Dante pretend to grab something from his vest pocket:"It's right..."Before he finished his sentence,he turned around and began running as fast as he could through the hallways.

"HEY!"The hall monitor began to chase him through the school.

After a while,Dante was almost out of energy,but he was barely able to gain any terrain over the monitor.

"Jeez,for someone who sits around all day,he sure can run really fast!"Dante thought to himself.The monitor was gaining even more terrain and Dante wouldn't be able to keep this up for much longer.Luckily,he had come up with a plan.Once he lost him,he would hope into room and wait for him to leave.Now,for a way to lose the monitor.As Dante turned the corner, he saw a garbage bin in front him.As he passed,he threw it on the ground,spilling all the contents.The monitor stopped to make sure he wouldn't get covered in trash while crossing the garbage.As he crossed it,he slipped on some yogurt and fell straight to trash-covered ground.

"Ugh!What the hell?!"Dante could hear the monitor scream as he entered the closest room on next hallway.As he entered,Dante took some time to catch his breath.

"Wow!That was quite the workout...I think I lost him though."He thought to himself.He took some time to examine the room.

The room was a small hallway that led to another door.Through the door,Dante could he peeked through the door,he saw Chara sitting in a table,playing a guitar.The melody was enchanting and soothing as Chara singed:

"Maybe in a another world,
We could have changed."

"No,that's no good..."She grabbed a sheet of paper and a pencil and scratched something,before going back to playing.

"Another day in life,
Another happy,another sad,
Maybe there is something,
That we'll change."

Dante listened to Chara play some more,before opening the door:

"Chara?"She jumped from the table as she noticed she wasn't alone.

"Dante?!What the hell are you doing here?"

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