Chapter 46-BOSS Battle

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3rd person POV

Dante was waiting at the usual training ground for his next teacher.This was going to be the final test,so he had been up all night thinking about what Asgore could have possibly prepared for him.The most likable possibility was a one-on-one match against the Boss monster himself.But the thing that made him so sure of this was the location.Asgore always sent him here,whenever he was doing physical training,like with Frisk and Red.

I'd had been twenty minutes since the arranged time and Dante was beginning to wonder where Asgore could be.Usually he tended to first one on time.

"Dante?"A voice from behind the trees said as the goat teenager appeared.

"Asriel?What are you doing here?"

"My dad texted me to come here.What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for my training.The one...Asgore set up."Dante said in realization.

"Azzy?"Chara said as she appeared.

"Chara?You're here too?"

"Dante?What's going on?"

"I was just about to ask you."Asriel putted.

"I assume you also got a text from dad."


" guys too,uh?"Frisk appeared.

"Frisk?"Asriel asked.

"Okay,if there's anyone else,you can come out now!"Dante announced and the group waited for a bit,but no one else seemed to be around.

"Guess it's just us then."Chara commented:"So why are we all here?"

"Probably because of my training.But then,why is Frisk here?He was my first test."

"Yeah,I kinda wanna know too."Frisk said,as rubbed his chin.

"Howdy!"The group turn around to see Asgore on the other side.He was wearing his old King clothes,which the group found kinda strange.

"Asgore,finally.I was starting to get worried."

"I'm sorry.I was just gathering some recruits."

"Recruits?"Asriel asked,intrigued.

At that moment,Asgore gave a large whistle and Gerson,Undyne and Red came out from the forest and stood by Asgore's side.



"Red?!"The three teenagers said in unison.

" don't know who she is?"

"Dante,we've never seen that monster before."Chara said.

"That's because you were not meant to see,I stood hidden."

"Settle down everyone.Dante..."Asgore called him to attention:"This will be your final test.Everything you have learnt is important,but this final lesson is one you must remember at all times."

"And what's that?"


Asgore bowed down as he swiped his cape away to show his trident.Taking no time,he rushed at the boy with it.Dante had barely any time to react,but in the shock he held up his fists as a instinct.Luckily,Asriel noticed his poor defense and stepped in between with his Chaos Sabers.

"What the..."

"Pick your targets,lady and gents.I got this."The three ran towards the others as Asriel pushed Asgore off the clash.Asgore gave a small smile as he griped his trident:

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