Chapter 41-The Wise Warrior

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3rd person POV

Dante was watching some TV on the couch back at home.He had been waiting for Asgore's text about the second test,but so far nothing.He was starting to think Asgore might have forgotten.

"Dante?What are you still doing here?"Alphys,who was returning from work,asked,surprised.

"Asgore hasn't texted me yet."

"Really?That's odd."She said,setting her lab coat in the coat hanger and sitting next to him on the couch.

"I'm getting kinda worried,honestly."

"Don't worry.I'm sure he's just busy.Anyways,what are you watching?"

"This cartoon I found a while back."

"What's it called?"

"South Park.But I gotta warn you.It is filled to the brim with toilet humor."

"Can't be worst than Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2."

(20 minutes later)

"Oh.Wow."Alphys said,as Dante burst into an hysterical laughter.

"That was the best one so far!"

"Isn't this a little...uh..."



"You could say that,but this TV we're talking about here.Everything is vulgar and trashy,but at least this one has unique characters.Plus,it also has some important life lessons hidden there."

"I suppose...Still,not even Mettaton swears this much on his soap operas."

Dante gave a chuckle at the comment.He stopped laughing as he noted the buzz coming from his pocket.It was a text from Asgore:

"Dante! has been a very busy day at the embassy,but I have you next location."

"It's cool.So,where to?"

"Gerson's shop in Uptown."

"Got it."

Dante got up from the couch and put his phone in his pocket:

"Asgore just texted me.I have to go to Uptown Ebott."

"Okay,then.I'll SAVE you some dinner."

"Thanks Alphys.See ya!"

"Bye!"The small reptilian monster waved as the boy made his way outside and began heading to Gerson's shop.

(Time Skip)  

Dante had made his way to Gerson's shop.Inside the shop,Gerson stood behind the counter as he tended to a man's purchase.

"Thank you.Stop by anytime."The man made his way out the door and Gerson spotted Dante.

"Ah,Dante!Glad to see you could make it.Do me a favor and turn that sign on the door around.I have to go get something."He said as crossed a door in the wall behind him.Dante turned the open/closed sign around and waited as he examined the store.

It was a small building,but the inside was amazing.Dozens of products of monster origin,all displayed on wooden shelves.Anything produced by monsters,from Snowdin to Hotland,was here.Temmie Flakes,Cinnamon Buns,Crab Apples...if it was made by monsters,Gerson had it.There were some portraits of the products hanging on the walls,each shelf matching with each portrait.On the store windows,some items were also on display.There were some jars filled with some sort of jelly and some T-shirts with the Delta rune on them.

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