Chapter 27-Carnival Rock Out

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Dante's POV

I've been practicing with this guitar for so long,but I feel like I can barely play it!This requires a completely different skill set than the normal guitar.Luckily,I was able to get some pointers from Napstablook.I know he's a professional musician/DJ,but the fact that he doesn't actually...have hands,worries me a bit.Anyways,I was practicing in the garage like usual,when I hear intensive pummeling to the garage door.

"DANTE!OPEN UP!!!"It was Asriel,but why was he like this?I rushed to the button to raise the door and pressed it.As the door was slowly opening,Azzy rolled under the door and picked himself of the floor.

"Dude!Guess what?"He grabbed me by the arms,as he began shaking me.

"What?!What's going on?!"

"I got us a gig!!!"He screamed excitedly,as he let go of me and raised his arms.

"You what?!"I was literally mortified.

"Yeah!The Carnival is setting up a event,where anyone can perform songs of their own choosing!This could be a great opportunity for us,man!I already booked us and everything!"

"Nope!No way!"

"What?Why not?"

"I barely know how to play the guitar!Plus,we don't have a song yet!"

"Don't worry about it!You can easily get the hang of it in a week."

I almost had a heart attack:"ONE WEEK?!ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"I snapped at him.

"I thought you would work better under pressure..."He tried to defend himself:"It usually works with me,when I have tests."

"Azzy!"I yelled at him.


"You gotta cancel this,man.I'm not ready for this crap."

"Oh!Come on!We can't quit now.What would people think about us?The guys who quit a public carnival show where EVERYONE is allowed!"

"No way!I'm not ready."

"Well,what if you told Near The Light is gonna be there?"

I was immediately paying him attention as he showed me the flyer he had with him:"They're opening the concert.They're even staying for autographs after."

I was left in thought.This could be the perfect change to show how much of a couple of losers these guys were!But,if we were to crash and burn,our career would be ruined.The first impression is everything in this business.I'm not entirely sure of this plan...

"Look."Asriel snapped me to reality:"This is why we created the band.To prove that we can be better than these sleazeballs.We're not gonna get a better chance than this...Plus...if you agree,I'll let you pick the song we play."

I thought about it and decided that it was time the world met DNA:"Alright!Let's rock it!"I said,pumped with excitement.

"That's the spirit!"He shouted,just as pumped.

Great!Now I just have to make sure I learn how to play the guitar in three days...Oh boy,what did I get myself into...

(3 days later)

Asriel's POV

After 3 days of intense practicing,we're ready to rock.We have prepping for the concert in the backstage,getting familiarized with the instruments.We only had time to watch Near The Light's performance,so we don't know any of the previous impact on the crowd.The show was terrible:it was only them dancing and making flirty looks to the audience.I'm pretty sure they even choked on the lyrics.Anyways,Dante is looking seriously nervous.He's tuned the guitar like 20 times already,even though the instruments were tuned after every performance.

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