Chapter 32-Valentine Job

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Frisk's POV

I was in the park with Dante.We were sitting on a bench,talking about random things off the top of our heads.He was rambling on about something,but my head was somewhere else:Valentine's Day is tomorrow and I have no idea of what to get Chara.I wanted to give her something special,something we could remember for the rest of our lives.A special girl like her deserves something amazing...I just can't think of what...

"So then there's this like government that wants to put Rick in prison and...hey.HEY!Earth to Frisk!"Dante snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Uh?What?I'm listening."

"Really?What's the government I was just talking about called?"


"The Galactic Federation!Come on,man!"

"Okay,fine.I wasn't listening...I was thinking about tomorrow."I confessed.

Dante sighed at the comment:"Of course you are...So,what's up?"

"I want to get her something special,but I don't know what."

"What's she getting you?"

"I don't know."

"Really?You haven't snooped around just a bit?"

"No.I don't want to fake my surprise."

"Cause you suck at lying?"

"Yeah..."I rubbed the back of my head.Lying wasn't exactly my strong suit.I tended to chock like Alphys,whenever I lied.I can only do it when it's a surprise or something nice.

"Figures as much."Dante continued:"I have to say,I'm surprised.I thought you would have figured this out by now."

"I got caught up on all my homework,tests,group works...way too much."

"Luckily for you,I'm great at planning romantic presents."

"Have you ever planned one?"

"Never!But I gotta start somewhere..."I chuckled a little at his excitement:"For this to work,I need to know the most important thing you ever did for Chara.Not just when you guys were dating,but since the moment you met."

I thought for a while.I have given a lot of things to Chara,just because I love her,but the most important one...

"When we were twelve years old,I wanted Chara to know that I trusted her more than anyone else.I organized a treasure hunt where she would go around the Monster Village and find different clues that pointed to the next location.The last location was the place where all the monsters saw the sunset for the first time in millennia.I was waiting there and when she arrived I showed eyes.I promised her she would be the only one who could see them both open at the same time."

"Oh wow!I wasn't expecting that..."

"I know.It's kinda cheesy..."

"Are you kidding?That's so cute!!!"He was basically squealing at that.I smirked at him and he quickly regained his composure:

"If you tell anyone about that,I'll deny it."He crossed his arms and pouted a little.I couldn't help but to giggle a little.

"SO...the bar is set pretty high."He thought for a while,with his fingers across his chin.He began humming a song and after all the thinking,he snapped his fingers.He pulled out his phone and dialed Mettaton's number:

"Hey Mettaton,what's up?Listen,I need a favor...Yeah,I know,but it's important...because charisk."Wait,what was that last word?

"Okay,so...I just need a few minutes on the air...Yeah...Yeah...Totally...Don't worry,leave that to me...K,thanks.Goodbye."He hanged up his phone.

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