Chapter 56-The Wingding Wizard

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3rd person POV

"Dante..."A voice was faint,but still audible:"Dante.Wake up."


"Dante...can you hear me?"


"Yes.Get up."

Dante opened his eyes and saw that he was in the Void with Gaster.

"Ugh...what happened?Wait!Sullivan!The others!"


"I need to get back!I need to help them!"


"They're in serious trouble!How do I get out of here?!Why can't I wake up?!"



"Please.You need relax."

"Relax?!The Squad and your son are out there FIGHTing a human amalgamate!How the hell can I can calm down?!"

"Not can,will.Don't talk,just listen.The others are still FIGHTing Sullivan,but at this rate they're going to lose."

"Then wake me up!"

"If you wake up now,you're just handing Sullivan the victory,so you need to keep calm.Too much stress and anxiety and you'll wake up.I need you inside the Void so I can tell you what you need to do."

Dante took a deep breath to relax,despite his worries,and tried to focus on the Void.It's emptiness and quiet always helped him calm down.

"Okay.Is this about that thing Goner Kid said?"

"Yes.Your true capabilities.Dante,ever since I became a part of your mind I have been trying to find ways to enhance your powers in order to help you combat the dangers you seek to protect others from.Many are just hypothetical and probably wouldn't function without giving you some sort of nefarious condition.The truth is that your simple existence is a defiance to regular laws of nature.You can absorb both types of SOULs and use both type of magics,human and monster.You're probably what the child of the human and monster in the old village before the war would have been like.Well,in terms of capabilities,not so much looks.However,one of my theories stood out among the rest.It's one which can greatly improve your abilities,but I'm not sure of the outcome."

"We have to do it!"Dante exclaimed.


"I don't care about the outcome!We have to try,if it can help defeat Sullivan!"

Gaster looked at the ground for a while.He didn't seem to be in full accordance with the plan,but he knew that once Dante had something on his mind,nothing could stop him.

"Very well."Gaster snapped his finger and seven skeleton hands with holes in the palms appeared.

"I assume you know what these are."

"Your magic hands."

"Yes.These are hands that have helped me,ever since I was a young boy.They have never left my being,and,since you have my DNA,you will be able to summon them as well."

A silence settled as the hands pointed their palms at Dante and formed a circle around him.Inside their holes,magical orbs began forming,each with their own colors,from red to purple,glowing brighter and brighter.

"But that is not all you have.The seven wizards of old were all such talented sorcerers.Each of them contained a level of magic that was never seen before.Now,all that magic is sealed within your SOUL.If just one of the seven types was powerful,imagine you with all seven types.Plus,you also have skeleton magic from my DNA,the second most powerful type of monster magic.Alone,those types of magic can do an immense amount of damage...but what if...they could function together?"

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