Chapter 40-A Lesson Of Mercy

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Dante's POV

Day one of my training!I'm so excited to finally kick some racist ass!I'll finally make sure monsters are never victimized again!

The text Asgore sent me told me to come to the training grounds were I usually spar with Undyne.He must have some sort of FIGHT prepared for me.Why would he send me otherwise?But it couldn't be just a simple brawl.This training is suppose to be special,so what could he have prepared?And more importantly,who was I gonna spar against?Maybe it wasn't even a FIGHT at all...

"Ah!You're already here."I turned around and saw...Frisk?Wait,what?Him?


"The one and only."

"I'm supposed to FIGHT you?Uh,okay."I chuckled as I snapped my head and knuckles.

"You seem pretty confident."

"I'm up against you,MERCY."

He placed a hand on his chest:"Dante,that wounds me so.Hurts even."He gave a quick grin as I let out a chuckle.He proceed to remove a weird device from his pocket.It looked like some sort of white metal bracelet with a green button on it.

"Whatcha you got there?"

"Oh this?A little enhancer for you.Trust me,you're gonna need it."

"You're giving me advantages?I think I can beat you without those."

"Asgore said you need to wear it,otherwise you fail this test."

"These are tests?"

"Yeah.Each person you meet passes or fails depending on your results."

Well,that puts pressure.I didn't know these were tests!I thought these were just some sort of lessons of extra moves or something!I wished Asgore would have told me about that.

"So,you gonna put this on or...?"Frisk asked as he dangled the bracelet from his hand.

"Yeah.No going back after the scene I made at the embassy."I yanked the bracelet from his hands and placed it onto my wrist as I created some distance for the confrontation.

"Oh!By the way,you'll be happy to know that the man who assaulted Snowdrake is under custody and awaiting trial.Maybe he'll talk about his accomplices,but no guarantees."

"Well...that's better than nothing."I said with a weak smile.It's nice to know he'll be facing the consequences for his actions.I strapped the bracelet,but didn't feel anything different.


"Alright then."He summoned his stick and held it to parry.This should be easy.

Rushing into action,I dashed straight at my opponent.I tried to summon my spear,but it wasn't working.

"What the..."I found myself going straight at his parry as he grabbed me and threw me behind him.I didn't stick the landing and ended with my face in the dirt.

"Enhancer?!What is this crap?!"I looked at the bracelet,but now the button was glowing a bright green.

"That,my friend,is a magic destabilizer.It's used to disable someone or something's magical capabilities.It's mostly used to nullify magic in a specific field for scientific purposes,but it also helps in a FIGHT."

"How am I suppose to FIGHT without my weapons?"

"With your fists...or your words."

Words?You've got to be kidding me.Looks like I'm doing fists.Charging once more,I locked and loaded my hand into a fist to execute a melee attack.I punched Frisk straight in the chest and swooped his leg to make him fall.But he was prepared and jumped,landing and clothes lined me.He took several steps away from my collapsed body and placed his hands in his jacket pockets.I got up as swiftly as I could and faced Frisk.

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