Chapter 1-Rebirth

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???'s POV

"Ah,my head...where am i?"
I looked around,i was in a small grey room with nothing but a bed and a sink.The room was closed off by a big metal door.Getting up from the floor,i tried to push the door,since there was no handle on it.Emphasizes on tried,i could barely get it to budge.I thought about knocking,when i heard footsteps going towards the door...

3rd person P.O.V

The door opened and the boy tripped backwards and fell on the ground.When trying to get up,he noticed a hand being offered to him:

"Seems to me like you could use a hand."

The boy took Gaster's hand and got up.When up,he couldn't help but to notice the gaping hole in the center of the hand.He wondered what had happened to him...

"You know,it's rude to stare at someone like that." The boy immediately let go of the hand 

"I'm sorry." he said shyly and wary

"It's OK.Now come with me."

Gaster let the boy follow him through the hallway of his lab.Being in the Void for so long,Gaster had learnt how to control the environment around him,being able to recreate places from his time in the Overworld.In the hallway,there were several doors similar to the one in the previous room,also sealed shut,except for one at the end of the hallway.Gaster lead the boy through the door,which lead to another room.In this room there was a large red sofa with some white pillows on it and a grey arm chair, with a notepad on the seat.There was also a small coffee table in between the chairs.

"Please,make yourself comfortable."Gaster said while pointing at the red couch

The boy try lying down on the couch,but wasn't comfortable at all.The sofa was very lumpy,and so the boy tried to use the pillows as a back support.Even after all the hassle to adjust himself,he ultimately just sited down.Gaster sit down at the armchair and grabbed the notepad.

"Not comfortable?"Gaster asked

"Not really,no,but that's not important."

"Very well.Now i'm sure you have a lot of questions and very few answers to them.So i will try to answer them as best i can.Also,you may call me W.D.Gaster or Gaster,for short."The boy nodded and took no time to begin talking:

"Where am i?What is this place?"

"This is Void,the realm that separates life from death...,and my home.As you can see,i have made this place to sustain my needs of research..."

"Wait...does this mean i'm dead?"

"No,it just means that you exist in between.You're not dead,but you're also not exactly what i would call «alive».You're in between."The boy didn't seemed pleased with the answer.

"Now,do you remember how you got here?"Gaster asked,while fiddling with his thumbs

"I...I...don't remember anything..."Gaster looked up in surprise,while the boy seem to grow sad.

"I don't remember how old i am,what happened to me,...i don't even know my you know what it is?"

"Hmm..."Gaster thought to himself"I could probably use this to my advantage."

"Yes,i know your name."Gaster said,making the boy look up",You are Subject 27,an experiment that i created.You were unexpected,but not exactly a failure.I made you to study a human's capability to adjust..."

27 seemed confused:"So you're the person who made me?"

"That would be correct"

"OK,but what's the purpose of all this?"

"With time,you will know the answer"Gaster avoided the question"Do you have anymore questions?"

"What's with the holes in your hands?"27 asked,while pointing at Gaster's hands

"They are just like that,that was how i was born."

"Then about the ink going up and down in your eyes?"he asked,this time pointing at his face

"Same answer"Gaster said nonchalantly

"Okay then,why are you so pale compared to me?"Gaster grinned,before answering

"I'm a skeleton,which means i have no skin.What you see is pure bone"

Gaster expected this to get a reaction from the boy,but he seemed to accept it

"You don't seem very startled by what i just said.May i ask why?"

"I don't know...maybe it's because you seem nice that i'm not scared.Should i be scared?"

"No,of course not..."Gaster said while writing something in his notepad

"Any further questions?"

"Yeah.What now...?"he asked curious

"Now we continue your tests to conduct an experiment.At the end,i will have results to determine what goes right and what goes wrong."Gaster said,while getting up.

Gaster dropped the notepad on top of the coffee table and left the room.Subject 27 grabbed the notepad,to see if it could indicate what these "tests" would be,but the notes had been written in weird symbols that seem to resemble hands and different objects.Putting the notepad down,he waited for Gaster to return.After a couple of minutes,Gaster returned with a large box in his hands.

"Go into the room with the open door and change to these clothes.Once you are done,return here,with the old clothes in the box.Understood?"Gaster asked

27 nodded and grabbed the box.He then proceeded to go into the hallway,where he noticed that one of doors that was previously locked was now open.Heading inside,27 put down the box and the door seem to close behind.While getting dressed 27 examined the room:it was yet another grey room,only this one was equipped with a toilet and bathtub/shower.It also had a mirror placed above a sink.After getting dressed,27 took a look in the mirror to see his new outfit.He was wearing a grey T-shirt and grey pajamas bottoms.The outfit came complete with a pair of grey casual shoes.Apparently,Gaster was quite fond of this color.27 packed his previous clothes in the box and handed it to Gaster,who had been waiting on the other side of the now open door.

"Okay,now go back to the room where you were when you woke up,and get some sleep.You will need it for tomorrow."Gaster told 27

"How will i know it's tomorrow?"27 asked,when he realized he did not have a clock in his room.

"I will come to wake you up.Now,if you excuse me,i need to go see to some other business"He said while going through another door.

27 was curious as to what other business Gaster meant,but he shrugged it off and went to his bedroom.As the door closed behind him,he took off his shoes and glasses and placed in a corner of the room.Afterwards,he tucked himself and fell asleep.  

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