Chapter 39-Duty Calls

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Dante's POV

Ah!Man,it's a really a nice day out.Sitting on this park bench,watching the people going about their daily routines,not a care in the world.This is the life.

After everything with RESETs,it feels good to just relax.I've thought about it and I've decided that I'm not gonna do anything about it.Whatever that power was,it's gone.Frisk and Chara can no longer reverse the clock and the genocide run was completely destroyed.So,there is no point in dwelling in the past.What's gone is gone.Besides,I have more important to do,this being one of them,nothing.

Though,Gaster is still a little...reluctant...of my choice.He thinks some researching and scientific experimentation should be made to understand better the power,so that we don't lose control of it.But I already told him that the only way for us lose control is if someone is more determined than Frisk and we can't exactly control that.I mean,sure,we could inject Determination into Frisk,but I'm pretty sure an amalgamate doesn't make a good face for an ambassador.Although,Alphys never really experienced with a human,so it's not guaranteed to go awful.Still,I don't think we should take any chances.Gaster is just gonna have to get used to this.

He's starting to annoy me honestly.He just doesn't understand that he's in MY mind and the main reason I keep him around is Sans and Papyrus.I just...feel he's still attached to the idea that I'm his puppet.And to top it all off,he still calls me 27 instead of Dante.I told him several times I hate that name,and yet he refuses to call me Dante.Maybe because he still thinks he's in control of me somehow.Ugh...

Well,screw that.Wouldn't want something like that ruining the moment.The sky is blue,birds chirping away and a gentle breeze...nothing better than this.I got up and started taking a stroll.Walking around the park,I saw a very familiar ice cream cart,serving a small girl.

"Thanks,Mr.Bunny Man."

"Anytime."Nice Cream Guy thanked,handing her a strawberry nice cream.She ran off to a woman,who was probably her mother,and Nice Cream Guy spotted me.

"Bunny Man,uh?"

"What can I say?It attracts customers.Kinda like I'm own mascot."He laughed as he opened his cart:"What can I get you Dante?"

"You got any chocolate ones?"

He searched for a while,but gave a shrug.


"Let's see..."He searched in the cart and eventually found one:"Here you go!"

"Thanks.How much?"I said,taking a bite out of the Nice Cream.

"Two bucks."

I took the money out of my pockets and gave it to Nice Cream Guy,making my way around the city.

"See ya around,Dante!"He said,as I turned around to wave at him.

The city was really unique,especially in the different areas.Near the park it was always so quiet,mostly because it was next to the residential area.Meanwhile,the financial district is filled with noise and people.Businessman and women,rushing from place to place,trying to get their job done,it's crazy.You also got Uptown Ebott,which is where most of the entertainment goes like MTT Resort or Studios,and then Downtown Ebott,which is basically the high school and the mall.Oh!And last,but definitely not least,Monster Village,which is in the outskirts,near the forest.You'd think the embassy and the Mayor's Office would be in the financial district,but for some reason they're here.Must need the quiet or something...

"You stupid monster!"

What the hell?That just came from the alleyway I just passed.I rushed over there and found Snowdrake backed up against a wall.There were three man surrounding him,all with black hoodies and their faces concealed by bandannas.Two of them were holding his wings,while another one had a knife pointed at him.I watched,trying to think of a strategy.

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