Chapter 33-Moving Backwards

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Dante's POV

It's been a long time since anything interesting has happened recently.Life kinda just moves along,you know...

I've been training my new abilities and thanks to Sans,I can now summon my Gaster blaster on command and even teleport just like him.AND...I can understand Wingdings!Pretty cool,I know!Unfortunately,my..."tutor"...mostly sleeps through the training as I repeat it over and over again.Whenever I wanna ask him how to perfect my technique I usually have to wait for him to finish his nap.But,there's always an alternative...

I found out how to properly communicate with Gaster.It turns out that in order to establish a link through the Overworld and the Void,my SOUL needs to be in a state of perfect harmony and relaxation.Though I can achieve this through sleep,meditation has proven to be the most effective and Gaster is cooperating and helping me,just like he said he would.He answers all the questions now,instead of keeping secrets.I also talk to Sans and Papyrus about things he said.Since they can't communicate with each other,I'm okay with being the messenger between them.I talk to Sans about the latest scientific theories Gaster comes up with and offer Papyrus advice from him too.The skele-bros seem really happy about having their father...somewhat back,but least he's still alive.

About the others,'s the just of it:

Asgore recently stroke an agreement with Mayor Fox and the others members of government:from now on,monsters have the ability to purchase property and land to expand their businesses or to simply relocate their homes.Monsters took this really well,and a whole lot of Monster Village got a new home near the city.With this,Grillby and Muffet decided to buy some land to further their businesses and serve some more human clientele.Some monsters choose to stay behind like Papyrus,Asgore,the canine unit and a whole lot of monsters.The amalgamates are staying behind and their families as their caretakers.They think this if for the best and honestly,I agree:the amalgamates might be just monsters with disabilities,but this isn't just some wheelchair guy.They suffered a lot and ACT upon instinct.They could seriously hurt someone by accident and some monster hater can turn that against them.Plus,Alphys's lab is in Monster Village,so when they have some issue regarding their health,they can just report it to her.

Oh right!Alphys!She and Undyne decided to stay in the Village.Undyne's not exactly a big fan of humans,mostly due to the way they feel about the way she looks.Heh heh...she's a real fish out of water.Alphys,on the other hand,is thrilled by the victory in monster rights,but feels like her work would be better suited for a quiet place,not in the middle of the city.As for me,I'm kinda with them,so I'm also staying Monster Village.

Mettaton and Napstablook are still mostly living in their office.They have so many shows and music to do,that they barely leave their office.Thankfully,they're ghosts so Mettaton just unpossesses his body and they partake in their family tradition of laying on the ground and feel like garbage.I've tried it once and...let's just say they need a way better name for that.

Toriel and Sans are moving in together.It seems that their relationship is really serious and they just purchased a small cottage in a plot of land,near the park.Papyrus was a little reluctant about living alone,but he eventually understood that Sans liked Toriel and wanted them to be happy.Despite this,he still might have caged Toriel in a blue bone prison a couple of times,because he was a little jelly.

Speaking of moving,Chara and Frisk finally are moving out!They recently graduated from highschool and were gonna be beginning their jobs as the royal family and ambassador soon.This is actually what got Toriel to move in the first place.Asgore and Toriel made a decision to allow them to move in together,but with the house they were buying,they would need another roommate to be able to pay for rent.Luckily,Asriel,who has going to move out on his own,decided to help them by paying rent/intruding in their love nest.Something tells me Asgore was kinda happy having his son keeping tabs on his daughter's boyfriend.No matter if you save the world or are the ambassador for the monsters,you still have to deal with your girlfriend's parents,haha!

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