Chapter 17-Secret Weapon

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3rd person POV

Dante was at home watching some TV.It was a peaceful afternoon and he had been binge-watching this anime Alphys told him about.

"So they're all wizards who act like saviors?"Dante asked Alphys who was watching the show with him.

"That's right."

"And they're part of"

"Well,the proper term is guild,but yes you could call it that."

"Okay then..."

"Hey,Dante."Alphys called him:"I heard you went to talk to Asgore the other day."

"Yeah,he told me about...the story of the underground...I can't even imagine what it must have been like living under Mt.Ebott for so long..."

"It wasn't easy,I can tell you that...but we're here now and monsters can be happy."

"Listen...I was the monsters have some sort of place where I could learn more of them?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Ever since I met the Dreemurs,I got really interested in monster history Plus,I feel like I should know more about the people who took good care of me."Dante said with a smile.

"Well there is the Museum of Monster History.It has every detail of the Underground's past."

"Sweet!Can we go there now?"

"What about the show?"

"We can see it later.Come on,please!"

"Okay,okay...let's go,then."

Alphys turned off the TV and grabbed her brown jacket and they left for the museum.The museum was located in Capital Hill,so it wasn't exactly far away and they reached their destination quickly.As they entered the museum,Alphys proceed to the entrance of the exhibits.As the Royal Scientist,she didn't have to pay for her ticket,so she only had to pay for Dante's ticket.

"hey Alph..."Sans greeted as he took Alphys's money.

"Sans,what are you doing here?"Dante asked as noticed the cashier.

"i work's really calm so i don't have to work so hard.and,two jobs means twice as many legally required breaks.speaking of which,mind if i tag along?"

"Sure,why not?"Alphys said.

After a while of checking the exhibits,from the architecture of Monster buildings to the Royal Council members,that explained the members responsible for Monster Village,the trio made their way to the prime exhibit:the story of the fallen humans.

"So,what is this exhibit about?"Dante asked as they entered the parlor where the the exhibit was located.

"well,assuming Asgore already told you about the humans that fell,this is the hall where we display the items that belonged to them."Sans informed.

Dante was beginning to understand that Sans seemed to be very vigilant.It seems that every time he talked to Sans,he discovered that he was spying on him...why was Sans so interested in him?Yes,it was a weird situation that a human lived with monsters with no memory of before...but still,his interest sounded more than just caution...

As the group walked into the exhibit,Dante noticed a wall with some items engraved in cases on the wall.There were a total of twelve cases split in 6 rows of two.The wall was colored in 6 different colors:orange,yellow,green,cyan,blue and purple;and the colors matched the rows.The orange row had a worn out glove and a bandanna with abs sketch on it;the yellow had a cowboy hat and an empty revolver;the green one had a burnt frying pan and a stained apron;the cyan row had a small plastic knife and a red faded ribbon;the blue had an old tutu and matching ballet shoes and the purple one had a torn notebook and a pair of cloudy glasses.

"So these belonged to the ones that fell into the Underground?"Dante asked.

"Yeah...once the museum was in planing,Frisk,Chara and Asriel had the idea to go back into the Underground to get the items to display them.Of course,we had to explain what happened to them and,since no one related to them came back to collect the items,Mayor Fox thought it was better for us to keep them."Alphys said.

"I see...Ah!"Dante clutched his chest as he felt a stinging pain in his chest.

"kid,what's wrong?"Sans said noticing his state.

"I don't's hurting..."Dante said as clutched his chest harder.

The commotion caused was being noticed by everyone in the exhibit,as the boy started trembling from the pain.Suddendly,a bright flash of light filled the room as everyone diverted their eyes from it.Alphys and Sans tried to find Dante after the blast,which wasn't a very hard task.The boy was standing in the middle of the room surrounded by a different group of crystal-like objects.Around there was a crimson spear,an orange gauntlet,a yellow revolver,a green shield,a cyan whip,blue saw blades and a purple bomb.Dante was examining the weapons in awe as they circled around him...they were so enchanting to him.

Alphys looked at Dante,really worried as she noticed the weapons.But as she looked at Sans,she saw something more concerning...Sans was standing there,with his hands on his hoodie,with jet black eye sockets,with a small light blue light shining on his left one,within his skull.

"Dante!!!"Alphys yelled back at Dante,gaining his attention.The boy looked at Alphys and remembered where he was.As he took a look at the people surrounding him,their faces plastered with fear,Dante grew more and more anxious and scared.Eventually,the weapons disappeared and their glow appeared in Dante's chest briefly,before fading.The people continued to look at Dante,who started to panic a little.Out of instinct,Dante ran outside of the exhibit as fast he could.

"Dante,wait!"Alphys called him,before starting to chase him.

As she got outside of the front entrance,she looked around to see where he could have gone to.

But...Dante was nowhere to be seen...

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