Chapter 9-New Faces,New Places

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Chara's POV

I was on my way to dad's place,since I had nothing to do.He's been pretty busy,with getting monsters a place in the City.Soon enough,Monster Village will be deserted and monsters can live alongside humans...literally.I still can't believe it took 8 years to get to this point.About damn time!

Either way,i knocked on the door and instead of dad,i got...

"Oh!Hey Char-Bear."Frisk said,grinning

Frisk has been living with dad ever since Junior year of high school.He says it was because if he stayed at Toriel's with me and Azzy,he would get easily distracted by my...cuteness...

"Seriously?That was so bad..."

"Oh come on...Cherry."

"What does that even mean?"

He grinned,before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer for a kiss.As we pulled away from it,i could feel my face heating up.Maybe he didn't notice...

"Look at your face.Do you understand now?"i covered my face with my hands in embarrassment,as he simply chuckled.

"I hate you."I said plainly

"I love you too."He has got to be the biggest flirt I've ever knowed. Still,why does he have to be so cute?

"So,what are you doing here?"

"I came by to see dad.He seems to always be pretty busy,so i came to check on him."

"That's kind of you,but he's not here right now.He had to go to the Embassy for some important meeting."

"Again?That's the third this week.Poor Asgore..."i said,sadly.Dad had been working so hard to get the moving to go well,but i'm sure he didn't expect this many problems.

"So...are you doing anything today?"Frisk asked,nonchalantly

"Hm?Oh!No,not really...i was just gonna spend all day at home.Why?"

"I was wondering...since you're here,how about we go out and get some Nice Cream?My treat."

"Sure,that sounds fun."I answered,giving Frisk a smile.

He putted his hoodie on and grabbed his keys and wallet from inside.When he closed,he took my hand and we began walking to the Nice Cream parlor...but something peculiar caught my eye.



" there a boy sleeping in dad's buttercup patch?"

Frisk turned around and looked in the garden,where he saw a boy sleeping in the buttercups.The boy seemed peacefully asleep,as if on a bed.

"Yeah...that's not supposed to be there..."

"Ya think?"i answered sarcastically,making Frisk frown a little.

We used the fence gate to enter the garden,and made our way to the patch.The boy snoozed peacefully,not even bothered by the sunlight.

"Should we wake him up?"I asked Frisk

"I mean...he's not supposed to be here,so...hey,wake up!"The boy showed no response to Frisk's wake up call.

"Here,let me try...HEY YOU,GET OUT OF OUR GARDEN!!!"i yelled

3rd person POV

The boy jumped up,screaming and looked around:"What?Where?Who?" he asked.

The boy eventually laid his eyes on the two teenagers that stood before him.The girl seemed angry,while crossing her arms,while the boy had a curious look on his face.

"Wait...Who are you?!What is this place?!What is this place?!"The boy seemed to grow anxious and panicked.

Chara took no time and began to grow angry:"No!We ask the questions here.Now,why are you sleeping in the flowers of my dad's garden?Also,what's a HUMAN boy doing in Monster Village,might i add?"

"Human?Monster Village?Your dad?What the...WHAT IS GOING ON?"the boy panicked even more and began hyperventilating.Frisk,who noticed the boy's scarred eye and frightened attitude,thought that maybe he could defuse the situation with a bit of ACTing:

"Whoa,'s okay...don't's okay...we are not going to hurt you..."Frisk reassured

"I might..."Chara butted in

"Chara!...Now,might not be time..."

The boy looked around,taking the scenery.He saw houses,trees and he didn't remember any of this! hit him...

"Who...WHO AM I?WHAT IS GOING ON?I...I...I...I...I...I...i....i"The boy began hyperventilating,even faster and,after a few seconds,the boy fell on his knees and completely collapsed unconscious on the ground...

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