Chapter 43-A Red Shadow

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Dante's POV

Alright!I made it halfway through the tests!Now,I just have to get through the other ones.How hard can they actually be?

Asgore isn't really putting a lot of work in these locations.He told me to go into the forest where I was with Frisk just a couple of days ago.Why here again?Isn't there someplace else?I mean,this is a great place to train,don't get me wrong.I was just hoping for a change of scenery is all.At least here,I can already tell this is going to be a FIGHT.He wouldn't have made me come a place like this otherwise.

I started to walk around,until I spotted a weird red stain on the floor.I crouched down to examine it better.It didn't look fresh,but it was a very intense crimson color.Could this be...blood?

There was a trail of this stuff leading deeper into the forest.I decided to follow it.My training might be important,but someone could be in serious danger!Following the trail,I got into a more dense part of the forest.Trees covered the sky,allowing barely any passage of light through the leaves.This doesn't look good...

As the trail ended,I saw a well lit area.There wasn't much there,mainly a small boulder and piles of leaves,surrounded by trees and bushes.You could also hear a small stream of water passing through,but I couldn't see where it came from.On top of the boulder was a small figure using a red cloak,sitting on it as they sharpened a sword with a small rock.Walking out of the trees,I summoned my spear as I approached the figure:

"Hey...mind if I ask you something?"

The figure kept sharping the blade and pretended not to listen.I guess we're playing this game:

"Okay,then.Turn around...slowly."

The figure didn't respond,simply continued sharpening the blade.


Suddenly,the figure got up slowly and swiftly vanished.Whoa!That was like a flash!Where did it go?

3rd person POV

Dante summoned his shield on his other hand as he looked around for the figure.He turned his head to shuffling he heard in one of the bushes.He slowly approached it,but the shuffling disappeared.

"What the hell?"

Hearing more shuffling on the other side,Dante quickly turned around,only to get a kick to the face.The figure was about to slip into the cover of the trees once more,but Dante was faster as he summoned his whip,roping the figure closer.As he pulled it closer,the figure kicked him in the gut,breaking free from the whip and making Dante fall on the ground.Before he could get up,the figure pulled out their sword and held it next to his throat.

From this angle,Dante could better examine the figure.It was a small feminine one,wearing a red cloak.Looking at the figure's chest,Dante saw a purple dress,but it was cut in the sides.The front had the Delta Rune on it,which shocked Dante.

"Hmm...I can see why you need training..."


The monster holstered her sword and held a hand out to Dante.Reluctant,he got up on his own.As soon as he got up,he summoned his revolver and pointed it at the monster.

"Wasn't the previous beating enough?"She said in a calm tone.

"Explain.What is that stuff on the ground.And what are you doing here?"

"Why are you being so hostile?We're on the same side."The figure pointed at the Delta Rune on her chest,but Dante didn't lower the revolver.

"I don't know who you are and I happen to know every monster.You could have just stole that dress for all I know."

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