Chapter 50-Delta Show

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3rd person POV

Dante was looking at himself in the mirror with his brand new tuxedo.It was a plain black suit with a white shirt and grey tie,with black shoes to complete the set.

"God damn!Now,who is that handsome man right there?I don't believe we've met,but you look hella fly in that suit!"He couldn't help but to chuckle at his own silliness.

"Dante!Come on,we're gonna be late!"Alphys yelled from outside of the door.

"Coming!"With that,he made his way outside and found Undyne and Alphys waiting on the couch.Undyne was wearing a black suit as well,but had a navy blue tie instead,and Alphys wore a pink dress.

"Looking good,punk!"

"You don't look bad yourselves."

"Thanks!"Alphys said,a little insecure about her choice in wardrobe:"Are we all ready?"


"Then let's go."

The trio made their way to the city.The restaurant was located in Uptown,but they didn't have a car,so it was walking for them.They didn't mind however,since they spent most of their days walking around,it never bother them so much to go to the city on foot.

As they made it to the restaurant,Dante spotted Asgore and Asriel waiting for the rest to show up.They were both using black suits with matching green ties.

"Hey man!"Asriel give Dante a fist bump.

"What's up?"

"Asgore!"Undyne put her arm around Asgore and ruffled his hair with her knuckle.Asgore chuckled as she did:

"It's good to see you too Undyne."

"Hi Asgore."

"Howdy Alphys."

The group waited for a while and Papyrus showed up wearing a red suit.


"Hey Paps."Dante greeted.Soon,he would be followed behind by Toriel and Sans.Toriel wore a purple dress while Sans had a teal suit.It was quite surprising for everyone how Sans actually used something other than his jacket.

"seems we had the same idea bro."Sans commented as he took a glance at Papyrus's suit.


Suddenly,a limo stopped in front of the restaurant and the flamboyant robot celebrity wearing a metallic pink suit,came out of the car and stroke a pose:

"Hello darlings.I hope you don't mind,but I brought a friend.Oh,Blooky~."

Following behind,Napstablook came out wearing a small ghost tie over his neck.

"You guys don't mind,right?I mean,it's Blooky!"

"I can leave if I'm too much of a bother."

"No,no.I'm sure I can fit you in Napstablook."Asgore assured as Dante looked at Mettaton with a cynical look.He was always making things extremely inconvenient for everyone.It wasn't that Blooky was bad company,but Mettaton could have warned Asgore beforehand.

Anyways,soon Frisk and Chara arrived.Frisk was wearing his usual black suit he had at the embassy and his usual blue tie with purple stripes,while Chara wore a green dress with a yellow line in the middle of it.

"Hey everyone."Frisk greeted.

"Chara!My child!You look so beautiful!"Toriel said.

"I had to look good.It's a special occasion after all."

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