Chapter 12-Hangout

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Alphys's POV

It's been a couple of weeks after since Undyne and i adopted Dante.He lives with us now,while i'm still conducting some exams on him.He's not so bad to have around:he likes to watch anime with me and Undyne is okay with having another fan.But,he's not perfect.A lot of the times he likes to explore my research,and...let's just say,it tends to have..."explosive" results.

But today i thought of introducing him to some members of the Village.In order to ensure minimal panic,i asked someone he already met to take them on a fun day out.Let's hope he likes it...

3rd person POV

Alphys was gathering some notes she needed to take to her lab,when she heard knocking on the front door.

"Coming..."Alphys said,as she made her way to the door.As she opened the door,she saw the three teenagers who she had requested help from.

The human boy was wearing black jeans,black trainers and a black hoodie.The only different color was in his blue t-shirt with purple stripes.The girl wore black stockings with black shoes and black shorts.She also wore a black tank top,and on top of it,a shoulder-to-shoulder lime green sweater with a yellow line.
The two were accompanied by a goat-like teen,that had a green t-shirt with 3 yellow stripes,brown trousers,a pair of white sneakers and a black varsity jacket,with a small yellow flower sowed on one of the sides.

"Howdy Alphys."Asriel greated me.

"Hi!Thank you so much for doing this.I have to stay in the lab and Undyne went to train with the canine unit,but i can't leave Dante here alone."

"So that's his name?"Chara asked, sounding kinda mean.

"Yeah."I ignored her attitude."I was wondering if you can take him to somewhere nice,just so he doesn't stay inside all day."

"Sure thing.Don't worry Alphys."Frisk said,trying to sound reassuring.

Truth is...this is the first time Dante will be interacting with others,besides me and Undyne.I'm afraid he might have another panic attack or try to do something stupid.But he will be with Frisk,so at least i know he will be in good hands.

"Dante!I'm going to the lab,but you won't be alone."I raised my voice to get his attention.He was sitting in couch,watching some anime.

He sat up and looked at the teenagers with a blank expression.

"Oh okay.Bye Alphys!"he said and waved,as i began to leave.

3rd person POV

As Alphys left the house,the teens approached Dante.Frisk was the first to speak:

"Hey there.Do you...remember us?"

"Oh Yeah!You're the ones who found me in the patch...Frisk and...ah...Chara,that's it,right?"

"How do you know that?"Chara asked curious.Her voice still sounded kinda threatning.

"Alphys told me.But i don't know who you are."Dante said,while looking at Asriel.

"I'm Asriel,Chara's brother.Howdy."Asriel said,extending his hand.

Dante gladly shook his hand,but he was filled with curiosity.

"But how are you two..."

"Adopted."Chara said.

"Ah!That makes sense.Then what's your relation with Frisk?"Dante asked

Asriel smirked before replying:"They're lovers."

"AZZY!!!"Chara covered her hands in embarassement as Frisk chuckled.She still wasn't used to that term.

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