Chapter 54-Young Spirits

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3rd person POV

Asgore and the Delta Squad stood inside City Hall as Mayor Fox got ready to make the announcement.They were all on edge after everything that had happened,but they intended to see this through.

"Are you ready Mr.Fox?"Asgore asked,while the cameras where being set up.

"Yes.Once this goes live,the security of the citizens will be under better care.I just hope we can find Sullivan before he does something extreme."

"Don't worry Mr.Fox.We're gonna be ready for when they ACT."Chara assured.

"Thank you,Miss Dreemur.Your words help ease my mind."

"We're up in five."A cameraman signaled Mayor Fox.

"Of course.I'm going to finish getting ready."

Fox left the Squad and Asgore to talk as he finished up on his setup.


"Alright children.Now,has you can see,some bugs have the ability to cloak into the environment.Can anyone tell me one?"Toriel addressed the classroom.Almost all of the hands went up to answer the question and she picked the one belonging to a young boy with with green eyes and brown hair.


"The chameleon."He blurred out in excitement.

"That's right!Chameleons possessed the ability to morph into their environment.Their skin grants them the ability to cloak in order to hide from predators."

"Miss Toriel?"A girl with brown hair and a small lilac ribbon asked as she put her hand up.

"Yes Rose?"

"What's a...pre-da-tor?Am I saying it correctly?"

"Why yes,you are.A predator is a type of animal that hunts other animals."

"Ah,I see."

"Now,if you would your books to page 23 of your books..."

As Toriel carried her lecture,a shadowy figure watched the entire classroom with a sadistic grin.


"Good afternoon everyone.This is Mayor Fox speaking,with an important announcement about the recent events of the Delta community.Shortly after the execution of several citizens at the telethon,the Delta Squad discovered that Edgar P. Sullivan,the leader and founder of the anti-monster political party,the Human Forefathers,was the one who orchestrated the attacks against the event.They also found out that Sullivan has tried to obtain Determination,probably to augment his soldiers to cause even more damage.This is a very serious matter that can't be ignored.I advise all citizens to stay close to monster populated areas.Sullivan is specifically targeting the human population because of their Determination,but we also know he's purposely ignoring monsters for some reason.Please,I urge you.Protect yourselves and if you can't find any monsters,go to your home and lock the doors.Now,in order to prepare..."While Fox distributed the details of safety for the situation,Chara got a phone call from Toriel:


"Chara,you need to help!"She whispered loudly.

"Whoa!Mom,calm down!Tell me what's going on."

"They're here.At the school!"

Chara almost dropped the phone from the statement:

"We'll be right there."Chara hung up and signaled the Squad to meet her in the hallway.

"Chara,what's going on?"Frisk asked,noting her worried expression.

"It's mom.She's at the school and the Human Forefathers are there."

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