Chapter 19-Sparring Partners

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3rd person POV

Dante had been waiting all day for Undyne to come from work so he could see her spar.The fact that he already knew some of Undyne's techniques and moves was one of the reasons for his anticipation.The other one being that Chara was going to be the one FIGHTing.Dante had been thinking of how exactly Chara would be able to stand a chance against a monster like Undyne.He was theorizing this,when Undyne came in through the front door.

"DANTE!Time to go!"Undyne yelled.Dante hopped from the couch and ran in front to her.


"Have you been waiting here this whole time?"

"I was too excited that I thought I might miss it,so...kinda..."Dante said shyly,making Undyne facepalm.

"Punk,you didn't have to stay inside the whole day.Did you even eat anything?"

"Of course!I'm not shutting down my body for this,ya know?"Dante said,as his stomach began to growl:"Haha..."He nervously chuckled. 

"Grab a snack from the fridge...Oh!And a chocolate bar."She said.Dante nodded and went to the fridge and grabbed two chocolate bars.

"Okay,let's get going.."

The two left the house and began walking through the front yard.

"So,we taking the car?"Dante asked.

"Nope.We're walking.The forest isn't far from Monster Village,but it will be about a 15 minute walk into the deep parts of the woods."Undyne said,making Dante pout a little:"Hey,you can stay home if you want..."

"No way.I'm not missing this for nothing!"Dante said with confidence.

After a while of walking,Dante and Undyne reached an open part of forest,surrounded by several trees in a circle.

"Took you long enough."Chara said.She was leaning against a tree,and began approaching Undyne until she noticed Dante:"What's he doing here?"She said while pointing at Dante.Despite that,Dante noticed that her tone towards him wasn't as aggressive as it was when they first met.Maybe he had been growing on her...

"So,'s what happened..."Undyne then proceeded to explain to Chara the events of yesterday.Chara took another glance at the boy before speaking:

"I see.But still,I'm not sure about this."

"I thought you might say that.Oh,Dante..."Undyne winked at him.

"Oh!"Dante reached his left pocket,getting the chocolate and approached Chara:"I brought you something."Chara took the chocolate without hesitation.

"MINE!"Chara realized what she had just done:"I mean...Thanks."

"You're welcome.So...can I watch you guys FIGHT?"He said,expectation written all over his face.

"Sure,why not?"Chara said,making Dante fist bump the air in triumph.

"Okay punk,find a safe spot.This is gonna get pretty heated."Undyne said.

Dante looked around for a while until he found a tree,which he climbed up to the highest point.

"Okay,ready!"Dante said.

With this,Undyne and Chara nodded at each other and went to opposite sides of the area.When they reached the positions,they faced each other.

Undyne grinned before turning Chara's SOUL green.

"Seriously,already?"Chara said.

"NNNGGGAAAHHH!!!"Undyne launched a volley of cyan spears headed straight for Chara.Due to Undyne's spell,Chara couldn't move so her only choice was to block.Chara summoned a red knife and used it to block the spears,barely getting hit.After the attack,the green magic wore off.

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