Chapter 36-The Truth Comes Out

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3rd person POV

Dante had passed through the throne room and made his way through the Judgement Hall.The place brought some bad memories as he passed his hand through the columns,and looked at the stained glass with the Delta Rune on it.This,according to Asgore,was the place for monsters to be judged for sins.A place where everyone could try and fix their mistakes and make things right.

He shook off the bad vibes and carried on.He was walking through a large grey hall,with a view to New Home.Dante could barely believe his eyes.

From this location he had eyes on a deserted city.The city where hundreds of monsters lived,now completely abandoned.Every business.every building,every house...Dante found it amazing with it's monochromatic tone.If only he could have seen it with all it's inhabitants...and have a better reason to visit it.

He stared at it for a while,trying to identify the buildings and seeing if he could guess who they use to belong to.Eventually,though,he continued his path.Stepping inside Asgore's old house,he noted the similarities between the house and Toriel's old house in Monster Village.It looked as if the only change was the color they chose.This one had the same monochromatic tone has the city,while Toriel's was filled with the color of the materials.He suddenly heard his stomach growl.

"Oh,come on,pal.We've just had breakfast!"

The stomach only growled in response.

"Fine...let's see if we can find anything."He said,while petting his stomach.

Making his way to the kitchen,he started searching through the cabinets and drawers trying to find something.He couldn't find anything but some dust and empty cartons of cereal and others.Taking a look inside the fridge,Dante found a candy bar.

"Ah!Found something!"

Taking it out of the fridge,he noted the flavor:

"Dark chocolate...not my favorite,but can't be picky with abandoned food."

He opened the package and took one of the chocolate bars out and stuffed it in his mouth.Thankfully,the chocolate bar was monster food,otherwise it would have spoiled.Who knows how long it's been there for?

After his quick snack,he noticed that there was one more bar.He sealed the wrapping and put it in his pocket.

"Better save it for later..."

(Time Skip)

Dante continued as he went through the Core.He tried to make a mental note of all the wires and buttons he saw,but got lost halfway through.It was hard to believe Gaster built most of this thing on his own.The complex wiring,the security all looked so intricate.It must have been taken years to develop something like this.He wondered on how many people worked on it.

Through a hallway,he saw a path that seemed to lead to the heart of the Core.He decided that,as long as he as here,he could afford to take a detour.

The center was...a little underwhelming.There only seemed to be a single generator in a wide room,with a pit full of lava.There were pipes leading directly to the lava.It must have been the way that the Core extracted the lava to turn it into electricity.As Dante proceed to the middle of the room,he noticed the generator was off.The generator itself looked pretty used up,filled with dents in the metal.There was a dusty sign on the generator.Clearing the dust,Dante could read the sign:

"In memory of W.D.Gaster,the inventor of the Core and the most brilliant mind the Underground has ever had."

Dante grew a little sad.He knew Gaster wasn't exactly dead,but the sacrifice he made and how monsters must have felt...Sans and Papyrus...they could have..."fallen down"...

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