Chapter 37-The Real Me

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3rd person POV

Chara sat at the bar at Grillby's.It had only been a few hours since Dante tried to kill her,but she managed to persuade him.But the things he said...brought back some horrible memories...

"Another one."

"Chara..."Grillby tried to persuade her.


Grillby saw the poor girl in pain and didn't know what to do.He wanted to know more and maybe help her through this,but he knew Chara and how secretive she usually was.He decided not to pry.

"I'm sorry,but I can't.You've drunk enough.How about I go get you some water?"

"Sure..."She said in a weak voice as she curled up in her arms over the table.

Grillby went to the backroom to get some water.He liked to keep it there,since he barely touched,even avoided the stuff,being a fire monster.

Chara looked at the bottom of the empty glass and thought of what came next.Dante already knew about the genocide that happened and he would want explanations.She had spent so much time trying to forget about something that happened in the past and that didn't matter anymore.But she knew that no matter how much good she would do now,she couldn't erase the past.It was something that would burden her forever...

She snapped out of her trance as she heard the door ring open.

"It's closed."

"I'm not here to eat."That voice was recognizable from the first word.It was Dante.

"Sorry,but we're closed."Grillby said,walking out of the backroom with a water bottle in his hand and setting it on the counter.



A silence set between the three as Grillby cleaned a glass.It lasted for a while,until Chara spoke up:

"Grillby,can we get a minute?To talk?Please?"

Grillby gave a fierce glare at Dante,who kept his cool.Grillby didn't have any personal grudge against him,but he had been warned by Sans beforehand that the reason Chara was like this was because of a "falling out" between them.Obviously,leaving the two alone didn't seem like the best of ideas.

Still,maybe talking about it would probably do some,it's not like Chara or Dante would destroy the bar.

"I'll be back in a hour.Don't torch the place,okay?"

Dante gave a quick chuckle as Chara nodded.After Grillby left,the tension grew immensely.The two were at a stalemate,with Chara keeping her back towards him and Dante not approaching.

"So...this is what do you do when something bad happens?Drown your sorrows?"

"Only in extreme cases."She reached to bottom of cooler under the bar and grabbed a can of beer.She took a gulp from the can,before continuing:

"I guess I have a lot to explain,uh?"

"Kinda wished you didn't have to."

Chara chuckled a bit as a tear fell down her eye.

"Fine,then.What would you like to know?"

"No more secrets.I wanna know why you had this power,how you and Asriel came back to life and more importantly...the reason why those memories I saw exist."

"Gaster really saw everything,uh?And he didn't tell you anything?"

"He said..."He took a big breath of air and sighed:"He said I should hear from the person in cause."

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