Chapter 38-Promises Of Blood

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(Five months later)

3rd person POV

The sun was almost setting as a young boy stood on top of a skyscraper,looking at the horizon.Dangling his feet over the edge of the building,Dante slurped his can of soda.

He always loved the sunset,but it seemed even better from this height,since you didn't just see the sun set.You could also see all people,moving around from place to place,doing their daily routine as an orange colored sky settled above them.They seemed so small from the view Dante had,almost like ants.

Finishing his soda,he got up and walked over to a small duffle bag he had lying around.The bag was filled with spray cans of various colors.He grabbed it and went to the rooftop entrance.Next to the door that led to the inside,there was a small concrete wall...perfect for some creative tagging.

"Okay,let's see..."Dante searched around the duffle bag,pulling out seven different spray cans,which he set on the ground.

"Plan,check.Aerosol can,check.Canvas,check.Okay then."He clapped and rubbed his hands together:"Time to put Da Vinci's name to shame."

(Time Skip)

"And...Done!"Dante said,as he backed away from the wall.

The wall now had six different colored hearts,from orange to purple.All of them pointed to the center of the circle they formed,which had the words "Remember The Fallen" written in black.The hearts had ink still dripping from them and it looked like they were kinda melting.

"Not bad,if I do say so myself."Dante said as he placed the can down and contemplated the art for a while.He was really proud of the way it came out,but he tried to see any mistakes he could have made.There was always room for improvement in his mind.

Suddenly,Dante could hear his phone ring.He pulled it out of his pocket and saw Chara's photo on screen,answering the call:

"Hey Chara.What's up?"

"Dante,hey."Chara sounded unsure,with a certain doubt in her voice:"Are you...doing anything right now?"

"Uh..."Dante took another look at his tag.He was slowly falling in love with it:"Not really.I just got done with...something."


"Yeah...You know...Stuff."

"I'm not even gonna ask about it..."Chara said,giving up:" you...remember that offer you made me?"

"Yeah..."Dante asked,a little hesitant.

"I..."She sighed over the phone,before spelling it out:"I wanna cash it in."

Dante almost dropped his phone...

(Dante's POV)

"Dante...Dante,are you still there?"

My hand was shaking as I tried to hold the phone to my ear.I'm seriously wishing she didn't mean that.Chara wants to FIGHT me in the Judgement Hall?!I mean,I know I offered,but I wasn't expecting Chara to take it!

I gripped the phone as I answered:"Mt.Ebott...30 minutes...Okay?"


With that,I hung up.I'm still kinda freaking out about this,despite how calm I may have sounded over the phone.It's been five months ever since I...I don't even wanna talk about it.I've regretted doing that ever since I saw how sad and angry Chara looked when she told me the story of how she was almost wiped out the entire world.All this time...they all carried this burden.A skeleton and three kids who suffered so much.Jeez,I always thought my torture was unmatched,but this...this is a whole new level.

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