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3rd person POV


"Entry number 1.Hey Gaster."Dante sighed as he held the button in the recorder:"So...I have no idea why I can't talk to you anymore.You just...disappeared completely.But,I assume that I lost my connection to the Void when I transformed and you're still stuck in there.Still,if that is the case,then you can still see into the Overworld and see this message."

He took a another pause before he continued.This was a bit rough for him:"Let me give you the rundown of everything that happened lately.It's been about three weeks since Sullivan was defeated.Ever since then,the Delta community has seen some really big progress,with humans growing more accepting of us.After the major involvement against Sullivan,people started to realize all the benefits of working with monsters and became less afraid of the whole SOUL absorption thing.Nowadays,a monster walks down the street and they don't get as many glares as they used to.In fact,they're even greeted some times.There are those who still look down on us,but this is a major improvement over our previous situation.I wish you could see it...as a person and not a Void entity,I mean.Sans and Papyrus having doing really well.Paps is as cheerful as ever and it's great,given all the mascot attention he's been getting recently.Sans was suspended from his duties for a while,due to that stunt he pulled back in the meeting room,but he's taken this time to take a look through your research.He's hoping to find a way to get you out there and I know we will find it,so just hang in there.Undyne is been leading the Guard,same as always,but this time people have been more thankful for her work than usual.Alphys and the scientist in the lab have begun a new project:The CEP or Core Expansion Program.With this,they hope of having the Core generate enough electricity to power the entire city grid.And since it's magical energy,it won't cost a single cent.Imagine that,right?Asgore has been getting a lot less work.Now,usually when someone comes talk to him,it's a thank you for his service and leadership,instead of accusations of leading a nation of beasts or complaints and requests.His smile feels more genuine now when goes to the embassy.Toriel has been okay,but she finds difficult now in her class without the two others kids who died.She still calls their names sometimes,before she realizes they're gone.Sans is also been helping her through it,mainly going to the cemetery with her when she needs to grieve.There haven't been any major changes with Frisk,Chara and Asriel.They're still the same,but Frisk has been spending a lot of time at embassy to help out Asgore.The same goes for Mettaton and Napstablook.The only thing that really changed for them is the amount of attention they've been getting.It's been increasing and it got to Mettaton as fast as you could imagine."Dante chuckled for a bit,before continuing:"There's also someone else.Lately,I've been spending a lot of time with this girl.Her name is Lucinda Brookstone.I met about four years ago and thanks to my efforts against Sullivan,I used that favor I asked from Fox to see her again.Now we hang out almost every day,talking about stuff or just walking around,doing stuff.She's...really cool.I'm really glad I got this second chance."

Dante sighed as he proceeded:"I finally did it,you know?I fulfilled my promise,I finally repaid monsters for everything they've done for me.And...it feels amazing.Now,everything is better and it's gonna get even better.The idea of peace and prosperity...doesn't sound so far fetched.But I tell you something...this world is never gonna be perfect.There are people who will always seek chaos and anarchy...megalomaniacs.That's why this world needs a Guardian.And I will be that Guardian,no matter the hardships.And as for you...well,the world can never have too many smart people."

Dante thought for a while on what to say next and then spoke for the last time:"I'm not entirely sure if I'm ever gonna do a second one of these logs.It just...feels like it's a way to cope with a loss and that's not what this is.We will find you.I know I keep saying it,but it's the truth.I...WE won't give up on you.So don't give up on us.We won't forget like you were afraid we would."

Dante looked out of the window of his room as he tried to spot the stars.

"It's getting kinda late,so I'm gonna...hit the hay.See ya,Gaster.Soon I hope."

Dante let out yet another sigh,the biggest one yet,as he placed the recorder inside a drawer in his nightstand.After placing the blankets over himself,he looked up at ceiling with a smile:

"Tomorrow is a brand new day."And with that,he fell asleep.

As he slept,he was tucked in tight into his blankets by a cloaked figure.The figure then looked at the boy for a while,before summoning a portal.It was about to enter it,but silently whispered some words before leaving:



Roll the credits,we're done here folks!

Golly!It feels like it was yesterday that I began writing this story.But it wasn't...and now,several chapters later,it is complete!But I'm not entirely sure this is the end of Dante.I need to give it some more thought,but I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about a second book.Anyways,there are some people I'd like to thank for being amazing:

First,@@RubyReyes297.She is an amazing person and my first ever follower.She not only drew Dante,but she also supported this story when it was in it's beginning.I've been following her stories ever since I joined Wattpad and I never thought someone like her would ever notice me.Thank you Ruby!

Second,@@Sans_NEO.This person is a friend of mine outside of this platform to whom I introduced to Undertale and when they told me they liked my story,it just brought so much cheer to my heart!They are one of my only friends who actually likes the game,so it's always nice to have someone who I can talk to about canons and such.

And lastly,I'd like to thank everyone who has stuck around to read my story,including all my followers.I know this is quite different from all the other fanfics out there,but I'm glad you took a chance to see my work and I hope you have enjoyed this ride.And for my followers,who chose to keep up with my updates.

And that's about it!I'll see all of lovely folks some other time!Wingding_Wolf out!

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