Chapter 15-A Kind Spirit

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Dante's POV

I was sleeping in a tree branch in this tree that Sans showed me.When i was there,i could see all of Snowdin District and Ruins Heights.It was also surprisingly comfy,considering it was a tree branch.Anyways,i was just taking a nap,when noticed Asriel and Chara leaving a purple house with backpacks.They were walking in my direction,when they noticed me.

"Dante?"Asriel asked.

"Oh!Hey,you guys?"I said,as i jumped out of the branch and landed near them.

"What are you doing up there?"Chara asked.

"Sans showed me that spot.It's great to just take a small nap and breathe in some fresh air."

"Of course he did..."

"So...i was wondering.You guys wanna do anything?I'm pretty bored and you guys are here..."

"Sorry,bud,we can't."Asriel said.

"Awww...why not?"

"We got school.Speaking of which,Chara we need to go!"They both began running in the direction of the school."See ya,Dante!"He said,while looking back.

I was a little upset.I knew they needed to go to school,but i still had nothing to do and i would have enjoyed the company,especially Asriel's.He tended to just make everything better with his optimistic what am i going to do for fun?

"Excuse me..."A gentle,female voice said behind me.As i turned around i saw a goat like monster,similar to Asriel.However,she had red eyes instead of green ones and wore a purple robe with white sides,which had a weird symbol in the front,with a circle,three triangles and two wings.

"I couldn't help but to notice you were talking to my children.Are you a new friend of theirs by any chance?"She asked politely.

"I mean...we hang out and stuff...but i wouldn't say that word in specific."

"Oh?Why is that?"

"Well...i just don't like that word,to be honest."I said nonchalantly.For some reason,i still can't use that word...

"I see."

" said you were their mother?"I asked,realizing the friendly monster's previous statement.

"That is correct.Greetings,I am Toriel.It's a pleasure to meet you..."

"Oh!I'm Dante."

"Well greetings Dante.I must say it's not usual for a human to be here...are you taking a tour of Monster Village?"

"No.I actually live with Undyne and Alphys."

"Ah!You are their new roommate that i have heard so much about...well,in my behalf,i welcome you."


"How old are you?I'm sorry to put this so bluntly,but being a mother,i just can't understand why someone so young wouldn't be in school."Toriel asked a little worried.

I was a little surprised by the question,but after the situation at the MTT Studios,Alphys and i made a list of possible answers to this type of questions,so i knew exactly what to say.

"It's okay...I'm 11 years old.And about the whole school thing...I'm actually being home schooled by Alphys.She thought it would better for me."

"Ah yes...i suppose i can relate to that...say,are you busy with anything?"

" actually was just to take a nap from all the boredom.Why?"I asked,a little curious.

"You see...i,too,have nothing to do.I was supposed to hang out with a friend,but he had to cancel.So,since you usually "hang out" with my children,i would like to know you better."Toriel said awkwardly.I think she just realized that she invited a minor to hang out with her...but hey,i got nothing to do.

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