Chapter 10-A New Life

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Subject 27's POV

Ah!My head...where am i?And why do i have a strange feeling of déjà vu?I look around to see i'm laying in some sort of hospital bed,with some wires attached to my chest.There's a machine that seems to be beeping,while it's monitor makes a lined pattern.In the one of the corners of the room,there is a sink,and on top of it,a small white cabinet,while in the other corner there's a large white closet and an a chair. 

I feel like i should like get up,but i'm afraid of removing the wires.They seem pretty important.So...let me see if i can remember what happened...i woke up,with no memory,and i saw 2 people,glaring me down,and then...i think i passed out...i'm not entirely sure...

3rd person POV

As the boy debated on his next course of action,the door to the room opened and a small yellow reptilian came in.She is was wearing a lab coat and had a pair of glasses on,while holding a notepad and a pen.As she came in,she noticed the unconscious boy was now awake.

"Oh,h-h-h-hi,i-i s-s-see yo-yo-your aw-awake."The monster said startled,but took a deep breath and calmed down.She pulled the chair in the corner next to the bed and sat down.

"I'm Dr.Alphys.Don't be startled,I'm here to help you."She said more confidently

"Okay,but help me with what,exactly?"

"Well,for starters,see if we can find your parents.But first,what's your name?"The boy seemed confused

"My name?My name...i...don't remember my name..."

"Oh...i see...okay,then what DO you remember"

"Ummm..."The boy didn't know if he should trust this person,but he decided it was worth a try:"I remember...lots of vibrant colors...mostly yellow.Oh!And two people,a boy and a girl.The girl looked kinda angry,and the boy had a blank expression."Alphys noted all of this in her notepad.

"Okay then.Now i need a DNA sample."

"D-N-A?What's that?"This answer made Alphys a little worried

"Let's just can tell us your name,okay?"

"Oh okay.So how do we get a sample?"Alphys grabbed a small touch pad device from the pocket of her lab coat.

"You just simply put your finger in this device and hold it like that until the light at the top is green."The boy nodded at Alphys's instructions.

After completing the scan,Alphys took the device and her notepad and left the room,while telling the boy to remain here.The boy understood her request and nodded as Alphys left the room.

"She seems nice...why am i getting déjà vu again?"The boy asked out loud

(A couple of hours later)

Alphys's POV

"Alphys,you called?"Asgore asked,as he entered the laboratory.He was wearing his traditional hawaiian pink shirt with white flowers and blue jeans. 

"Yes Asgore.I'm sure Chara already told you about the boy..."

"Yes...he was asleep in the buttercups,correct?"

Yes,but that's not all..."I said as i typed on my computer,making the computer show missing person reports.

"I've been looking through the missing person records,and see if i can match his DNA with any of them.But there is no record of anyone that resembles his description."

"Maybe his parents don't know his missing yet,perhaps?"Asgore replied,trying to make sense of the situation

"I thought about that too...but then i checked his SOUL,to see if he was hurt,you know...and i saw this..."i pulled up a window on screen,that showed a grey human SOUL surrounded by a rainbow aura.Asgore couldn't help but to gasp.

" is this possible?"

"Behold,Magic and Determination in perfect harmony."I said,very serious."And the magic isn't just human magic...there's also some monster magic in his SOUL."

"This is just...Golly,i don't know what to make this."

"Yeah...if this is his SOUL,then that means...someone must have tempered with it,because this isn't natural...what should we do about him?"I asked concerned

Asgore couldn't even respond.He just stood there,dumbstruck,not believing what he was seeing.I had concocted a plan,but i needed the King's consent before anything.Last time i did something without Asgore's knowledge...some monsters suffered because of it.But,if i could help this boy,i wasn't gonna just sit idle.

"I may have a plan...but i need you to hear me out."I boldly stated.

Asgore took his eyes off the monitor and stared at me for a while before nodding me to proceed.

"Well...this boy doesn't even remember his own name,and if his SOUL was modified,we should keep up an eye on him,right?

"Right..."Asgore asked insecurity in his tone.

"What if we told him...that he's my...creation?"Asgore looked shocked.

"Alphys...that sounds a bit...extreme."

"I know,i know...but what if he doesn't have any parents, or anybody that even cares about him?I mean,he was sleeping in a bed of flowers outside.If we do this,maybe...just maybe...we can help him..."

"Alphys..."Asgore knelled down to my height."Are you doing redeem yourself?Because monsterkind has forgiven you for the amalgamates.You don't need to do this."

I was silent before responding;"The amalgamates suffered mutations to their SOULs and they suffered and still are in suffering.This SOUL is not natural,which means that he could have suffered mutations.Considering his reaction to when he was found,i think...i think he might have another panic attack or something...i just know i can help."I said,while still a little unsure of myself.

Asgore,seeing my attitude,understood that i wasn't going to give up so easily.He stood up and looked at me in the eyes:

"Very well,if you are sure,i will let you do this.Now,i shall go and tell everyone about what's going on.I believe in you,Doctor."With that,he left the room and left me to work on the backstory.

(25 minutes later) 

I walked into the room,where the boy seemed to just be fiddling with his fingers as he waited.

"Oh.Hello there,Doctor."He said,seeming to be rewarded by his patience.

"Hi!I'm sorry i kept you waiting...i didn't mean to take that long..."

"It's fine,really.I just wished i didn't have this wires attached to me."

"Oh!Let me take those off of you."

Alphys made her way to the bed and unstrapped the wires off his chest.

"There!"Alphys said content with herself.

"Thanks.So did you find out my name?"

"Alright,you can do this."Alphys thought:

"No,i didn't...but it's because i didn't name you yet.You see,i created you..."

The boy was confused,but intrigued at the same time.

"Your my...creator?Then...why did you ask me who i was,if you knew."

"Well,you see..."Oh,what do i say.Oh!I know!"The last experiment seemed to have let you a little i tried to make sure you were okay.And,thankfully you are."

"Oh!I see...well,thanks for caring."He gave me a small smile,to which i smiled back.

"So...are you ready to go home?"I asked,kinda of excited

"Yeah sure,but...what's "home"?"Oh boy,this is going to be harder than i thought.

"It's better if i show you.Here."I held out my hand.

He got out of bed and took my hand with a smile,as we left the room,and then the lab.   

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