Chapter 2-The Basics

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Subject 27's POV

I woke up in my bed after what felt like hours,not that i can tell.I was half expecting Gaster to be here,but it was just me.He seems to be a nice guy,despite all the mysterious attitude that surrounds him.Well,since he wasn't here,i went to the corner of the room and grabbed my glasses and my shoes,putting them on and waiting for Gaster to appear.Shortly,he came through the door:

"Good morning.Did you sleep well?"he asked

"Yeah,it's a pretty comfy bed."i said while pointing to the bed

He saw the bed and frowned:"27,you have been awake for quite some time now,you should have thought of making your bed,no?"

Wait...what?How did he know i had been awake?Could...could he see me...from outside of the room?I was gonna ask him,but he immediately interrupted me:"No matter...come,it's time to begin."

He then left the room.I decided to follow him,but i was going to get answers.When in the hallway,Gaster opened one of the grey doors to the right,which led to yet another room.

However,this room was gigantic,probably 50 times bigger than my room!I could barely see the ceiling,while looking up.The room seemed like the inside of a huge sphere,with no edges or corners,and surprisingly,this room wasn't grey.The walls and floor seemed to be made of some soft,reflective material that looked similar to glass.Gaster led me to the middle of the room and looked at me right in eyes:

"Now,before we start,i need you to remember something."

"Okay,what is it?"

"You must always do as say and focus.Your concentration and dedication are crucial.Understood?"

I simply nodded,both curious and wary of what the scientist had planned.He gave a small smile:"Very well then."he said as he approached me and placed his left hand on my chest.

I felt something leave my chest,and when i looked at Gaster,i noticed that he was now holding a grey colored heart with a rainbow-like aura surrounding it.

"This is your SOUL."he said,while handing it to me,as i grabbed it gently."It is the very culmination of your being,and,more importantly,the reservoir of your magical energy.With the tests we'll be conducting,you will be able to manifest it in many different ways...but first,you must learn to summon it."

Gaster pushed the floating SOUL into my chest and i felt a tingling sensation."Now,envision yourself summoning the SOUL and use your hands as the conductors of the summoning."

I tried to imagine the SOUL coming out of my chest.However,even though i did what Gaster had originally done,i was unable to summon my SOUL on command.So i tried again...and again...and again...and again...and again...why isn't this working?!This went on for several moments,until Gaster spoke up:

"Do not wear yourself out.This is just a summon,and,despite being one of the most basic magic spells you can learn,few master it in their first attempts.Perhaps you should rest and try again later."

This didn't make me feel any better.I wanted to see my SOUL's glow once more.It was so pretty.I wanted to see it!I was determined to see it again!Once more,i closed my eyes,i reached into my chest and i focused on my SOUL as hard as i could!!!


Once i had opened my eyes,i was holding my SOUL in my hands!Gaster,who witnessed the whole thing,seemed shocked:

"Wow.I must say...this is quite...impressive."Gaster said,with a small grin

I couldn't help but to smile back.The glow seemed to glow brighter as i smiled.Strange...

I pushed the SOUL back into my chest,feeling again that tingling sensation.However,a little part of me got curious."If Gaster was different,maybe his SOUL was different too."i thought to myself.And so,i attempted to place my hand on his chest,only to be stopped by the scientist.He seemed to frown and his eyes were full of anger and a hint of sadness.

"Well,i believe that should be enough for today.Now,you should rest.Go back to your room."Gaster told me,after letting go of my hand.

Did i do something wrong?Jeez,he looked really upset...I decided to go back to my room.Once in,i tried to say goodbye to him,but he ignored me and simply shut the door.I wondered what i had done wrong.Still,i removed my shoes and glasses and put them in the corner,going to bed afterwards.

After a while i couldn't sleep for whatever reason.Was it because i upset Gaster,or maybe,because i'm excited for the tests.Either way,i couldn't sleep,so,i did the only thing i could to entertain myself...i summoned my SOUL,and stared in awe at it's incredible glow...  

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