Chapter 16-Tales Of Old

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Dante's POV

After spending some time with Toriel,I got really curious as to who this Asgore guy was.So far the only thing I know about him is that he lives with Frisk...and that I slept in his garden,but I think I shouldn't bring that up.

So I made my way to his house to see if I could introduce myself.I reached his house in Capital Hill,the only district that I hadn't visited so far,as well as being the most populated one.As I reached his house,I knocked on the door,which was shortly opened by a large goat monster.He was wearing a pink shirt with white flowers and some jeans.He also had a straw hat on,gloves and a belt,with some seed packs and trowels.

"Hello.I'm..."I tried to introduce myself as I was interrupted.

"Dante!It is good to see you."He said in a deep but friendly voice.

"How do you know my name?"

" is difficult  to forget about the boy who slept in my garden."He said offering a handshake.

"Right...that."I said embarrassed as I shaked his hand.

"No need to be like that...the flowers are okay and you seem to have a nice sleep,so all is well.Would you like to come in?I just brewed a fresh pot of the tea."

"Sure,that sounds great."I answered.I was expecting him to invite me,considering his kind nature,despise his size.It seems good manners run in the family...or at least,the biological family.Anyways,we entered his house.

His house was rather small for the former king.In the entrance,all he had has a small dresser and a coat hanger.The living room was just a red couch with a TV on top of another dresser.There was a door to the left that seem to lead to the kitchen and a spiral staircase that led to what I assume was the master and guest bedrooms.

"I apologize for seeming blunt before,but you see..."He said opening the kitchen door."I had to know about you through Alphys...I'm sure you are aware of my position.

I seated in a chair near a table:"Yeah...the Ambassador/Ex-King of the monsters."

"Yes...but,recently,you could say I have also been your protector..."He said as putted a kettle over the burner.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you remember when you were in Mettaton's show?"

"How could I forget?"I grinned.

"Yes,well...ever since that day..."Asgore grimaced a little:"People have been asking about you,about who are you and where you came from...but,most importantly,how you are living with monsters."

"Well.Monsters took care of could I feel any different than that?"

"Unfortunately,it is not that simple."He said,setting the bowl of tea and two cups as well as the sugar."Would you like sugar?"

"One cube please."

As he poured the tea,he continued:"Dante,what I am about to ask might be crucial for this situation.Do you remember anything before waking up in the flower patch?"

I focused as hard as I could to see if I could remember anything from before Frisk and Chara found me,however I couldn't remember anything.I think my mind must have erased the memory after something traumatic...I mean,I did wake up with a busted eye.

"No...nothing..."I said.

"Ahh...I see.Well do not worry.I am making every effort to ensure your safety."

I felt glad Asgore was watching over me.I knew some of his background,thanks to his family,but I never expected this kindness...and to think I just met the guy.

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