Chapter 5-The Edge

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(3 years later)

W.D.Gaster's POV

After some extensive meditation and intensive classes on the use of magic,27 has now mastered the Gaster Blaster.His is very similar to mine,but with a vantablack skull and the lines,going up the right socket and down the left one are white,connecting in the back of the skull.However,his teleportation skills are quite disappointing.He seems incapable to even phase through the space around him.I must say,i knew monster magic would be hard to master,but it has been far too long for him to learn such a simple technique.Could i have found his limit?Is this the zenith of his power?

Today,i will test his abilities in a combat situation for the first time.I have been reluctant about this stage of the experiment,but if he is to defend the monsters,he must learn how to defend himself.

"Okay.Now,i must warn you this will be very different from anything we have done before and i will not be there to assist you."I told 27,as he was about to enter the battle arena.

"I can do this.You can trust me on this."he said,with a smile that beamed confidence...or arrogance.Either way,he proceeded inside while i went through the door on the left.This room served as a skybox,camuflaged into the wall of the battle arena.With this,i am able to spectate 27 and keep track of his progress.Now...let us see what he can do.

Using my knowledge of Void,i was able to create shadow beings,who can mold their body to serve my commands.I summoned one these beings into the battle arena.As 27 noticed the being,he entered his battle stance.The being lunged forward attempting to punch him,but he was able to successfully dodge the attack and plant a kick in the being's head,leaving it stunned.He then summoned his gauntlet and threw a punch that hit the being right in the chest.The attack was so powerful,it sent the being flying across the room and making it splat in the wall.

"Level 2,please!"27 replied,ready for a new challenge.Arrogance will be his downfall.

I proceeded to summon two more beings,one equipped with a sword and another with a bow.The one with a bow launched a volley of shadow arrows in 27's direction,and the other prepared to rush him.As a response,27 summoned his shield and blocked the volley,but the other being was able to pin him to the ground.Grabbing his sword,he attempted to stab 27.Luckily,27 reacted quickly enough to summon his revolver and shoot the being in it's head,effectively neutralizing it.As the being faded into thin air,27 got up and faced the other being,who was preparing another volley of arrows.As he fired the arrows,27's only response was to summon his Gaster Blaster,and fire it.The beam powered through,destroying the arrows,and vaporizing the other being.

"Is this really all?Come on,make this interesting Gaster."His cockiness was growing increasingly and was beginning to irritate me."So,it's a challenge you want,eh?So,be it."i thought,as prepared the next batch of opponents.

I summoned three beings,one equipped with a trident,another with a spear and the last one with a cannon embedded into it's arm.

27 prepared his shurikens and threw them at the trident being,hoping to immobilize it.The being blocked one the shurikens,while the other hit it straight in the chest,making it growl.The two others started running to see if they could surround 27.As 27 noticed the strategy,he summoned his spear and rushed towards the trident being,stabbing it straight in the neck,making it fade away.The being with the spear had moved behind 27 and hit him in the back with it's spear,making 27 fall.He tried to recovered,but that's when the figure attempted to strike 27 down,only to be parried by 27's spear.Meanwhile,the cannon being prepared to launch an extremely powerful beam attack.27,noticing this,pushed the spear being off him and summoned one of his bombs and threw it at the cannon being and detonating it.Now,with only one opponent left,27 got up quickly and summoned his revolver,only to shoot the being in the face point blank.

"*huff**huff**huff*Okay,now that was something.But i'm still standing,now come on!!!".He really is gonna regret asking for more.

(3 hours later)

How in the world is he still standing?He's taken so many blows...and yet,he's defeated almost 50 of these beings.He summoned his whip and pulled another being closer to him,only to stab him in the gut with his spear.Now,only one of the beings remains.I have made this one to be the fastest yet,and he's outmaneuvered 27 several times.The being began racing around 27,creating a circle of darkness with mirages in order to confuse 27.The being started to exit the circle and punching 27,only to reenter the circle once more.It did this several times,hitting him in the face,gut and legs,trying to stun him.On one of these attacks,he punched 27 in the face with such strength that he even knocked his glasses off his face.The being took the chance of 27's difficulty to see,and stopped the mirage,standing in front of him...with a shadowy knife.

"NO...NO!...NO!!!..."The words escaped from my mouth,as i tried to unsummon the being...but it was late.The being swung his knife and the slash hit 27's left eye...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"27's scream pierced through the air,as i teleported into the battle arena,and vaporized the being with my Gaster Blaster.After neutralizing the being,i rushed to 27's side,who was on the ground,holding his hands on his eye.I could see blood starting to drip out of his hand.

"27,let me see,NOW!"i yelled,trying to help him.As he removed his hands,i gasped for air.The scar from the knife had cut through into the deepest skin and his eye was covered in blood.

"I...I can't...I can't see...I CAN'T SEE!GASTER,HELP!"he sounded so terrified.

"It's OK,it's gonna be OK,i,hold on to me..."i said,as i picked him up bridal style and teleported us into my lab.

(2 hours later)

This was too close...i had successfully patched up the eye and gave him some meds to make it less painful for him.His eye lost complete coloration and now,instead of having a brown eye,he has a completely light blue iris that almost blends in with his white sclera,and it has lost complete eyesight.

He is still in pain...i thought i knew what i was doing!How could this have happened?...

Dear god...what have i done?

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