Chapter 26-DNA

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Dante's POV

Me and Azzy were hanging out at the mall,since it was after school.We usually would spend time together when he didn't have any homework or errands to do.At first,I thought he only did it because I asked him,but eventually I realized that he actually enjoyed these moments as much as I did.

Anyways,we were just wandering around,when we came across an electronics store.We went in because Azzy wanted to look at the new processors.Apparently,his computer has been running slow and he had been losing his online matches because of this.I obviously don't believe that's the actual cause...He was looking at different computer monitors,while I was looking at a selection of MP3 players.I chose one and putted the earbuds.As I pushed play,I was met with someone screaming something in Spanish in my ears.The volume wasn't even at the max and I could feel my ears ringing.I skipped to the next song and this time I was hearing some group singing who called themselves Near The Light.The picture showed three guys in denim jackets and jeans posing like douche bags.

"Hey Azzy!Come check this out!"I called his attention:"Look who gets to be in the playlist..."

He grabbed the MP3 and groaned as he looked at the picture:"Seriously?These idiots?"

"What?You know them?"

"Who doesn't?These douches are almost in any place that has music.I can't stand this garbage."

"How come I never heard of them?"

"Are you a teenage girl who likes pop stereotypes?"He crossed his arms.

"Fair point.Still,why does anyone like this junk?"

"Who knows?But they are seriously annoying..."

I couldn't have agreed with him more.Music is something so special and beautiful and these so-called "artists" make it seem like that anyone can be popular thanks to it.Even I could do better than these punks...wait a minute...

"That's it!Let's form a band!"I said,snapping my fingers.

"What?You serious?"Asriel asked in disbelief.

"Yeah!You told me you played drums and Chara's been teaching me how to play guitar,so we could totally do this!"

"What would we even sing?"

"We'll use popular songs from good old Rock'N'Roll!That way,we don't work as hard and prove that these songs are way better than these sleazeballs."I said pointing to the MP3.

"Sounds like stealing..."

"No!Not stealing!Performing them as a way to get people to listen to better music,by reminding of quality songs."

"Are you serious about this?I mean,I'll do it,but only if you're serious!"Asriel said,with a hint of excitement in his voice.


"Yeah!I got nothing better to do than wander the mall,so it'll be fun."

"Then yes!I'm 100% serious!"  

"Alright,let's do it!"He said,giving a thumbs up.

"Okay!"I said,making a thumbs up myself.

(2 and half months later)

Asriel and I had been practicing for so long!It turns out that playing an electric guitar is completely different from playing a normal guitar...but eventually I got the hang of it.It's not perfect,but hey it's something.We had been using Undyne's garage for practice.She sold the truck,so it was always empty,so she and Alphys didn't mind at all.Everything seems great,but since we have yet to come up with a name,we can't book any gigs,which sucks.

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