Chapter 31-The Amalgamates

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Dante's POV

"Any particular reason you called me here?"I asked Alphys.She asked me to pay her a visit at her lab in Hotland Avenue.Something about a project to show me.

"In this room."She signaled to a door with a label that read Observation Room.

"What's in it?"

"One of the reasons why I am always afraid of my experiments."

"'re scaring me.What is it that's haunting you?"

Her expression seemed filled with sorrow and fear.She entered the room,before I could ask her about it,so I followed her.

The room was a small room with nothing except a small see-through window and speaker with a couple of buttons,almost like one of those from cop shows.Alphys stood near the window.

"Alphys.What's in there?"I said,pointing out the window.The window showed a room with several hospital beds and some life support machines.There were some curtains next to the bed with silhouettes of...something...

Alphys pushed a button on the speaker:"Endogeny,come out."

One of the curtains began to shake violently as a big,squishy,melting creature came out of it.It looked like a white dog with five legs and a gaping black hole on it's head.I startled at the sight of a thing like that!Backing up against the wall in fear,I looked at Alphys,who remained still her expression of sorrow:"Wh-What is th-that?"

"An amalgamate.You don't need to be afraid,they can't hurt you in here."She said,signaling me to come closer.Against all the fear,I slowly walked to the window as I reached for Alphys's hand,who was holding out to me.Hey,I might be thirteen years old,but I don't care!I was hella scared!

"What do you mean,an amalgamate?"I was squeezing her hand tighter as I saw that the hole was bottomless.

"Back when we were in the Underground,a lot of monsters had...fallen down."

"Fallen down?From where?"

"No,no.It's a term we use for monsters who lose hope.You see,monsters need hope just as humans need water,meaning that it's vital.If a monster loses all their hope,they...well...yeah..."

Oh wow!So all this time,monster could have died from loss of hope.Does that mean that you've don't look forward to anything,you'll just die.That' messed up...

"I was asked by Asgore to find a cure...a solution for those who had fallen.I took them into my lab and I took care of them.They were almost dead and their wounds critical...recovery would have been impossible.However,I was also working on a machine with the ability to extract from the human SOULs an weird substance.I believed,at the time,that was the reason human SOULs persisted after death,and challenged fate.I called it Determination,and used it to try and save the monsters.I wanted it to work so badly that I injected it more and more until...well,it was working at first!The monsters were walking and ACTing like nothing had happened!But that's when...their bodies began melting and eventually,they merged in to...these..."She placed the finger over the button:"Lemon Bread,Reaper Bird, can all come out now."

Out of the remaining curtains came three different...monsters.They were all melting and the features decaying,with scary expressions.They all looked in so much pain...But,now that I see it better,I can kinda see the resemblances they have with a lot of monsters.They must have been related to them.I think the initial shock has that I know they're monsters and know,scary monsters...I think...I think I'm calm.

"You think you there?"

And it's back.Inside...with them?!I mean,I know they're monsters,but they are still pretty scary!Wait a minute...I just thought of something:where were they all this time?They had to be somewhere.I asked Alphys the question that pondered in my head:

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