Chapter 48-Daily Duties

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3rd person POV

"Oh,come on!Work,you stupid thing!"

Dante was trying to tune out the radio in his alarm clock to see if he could find some good music in there.He was have some difficulty though,considering that the alarm only produced static.He continued spinning the dials,carefully as to find the station.Eventually,he found one playing a very cool rock song.

"Aw,hell yeah!"

Dante got up from his bed and started dancing to the beat of music,as he yelled the lyrics at an air microphone while rocking in an air guitar.As the music went on,he got in the shower and prepped for the day.

When he walked out of the shower,he wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way to the mirror.It had been almost a full year since he became the Delta Guardian,but despite it,he didn't change that much.He did find that he had some excessive facial hair,so he grabbed a razor and shaved it off.

Fully shaved and dried,he made his way to his closet.He didn't have many clothes,most of them were all white sweaters and black jeans.He grabbed a pair of each and his vest and got dressed.Now fully dressed,he still rocked out with jumps and air punches.As the song finished,he turned off the radio and walked out of his room.

Undyne and Alphys were nowhere to be seen.They were probably still sleeping.Regardless,the young boy made his way to the kitchen and started cooking some eggs and bacon,just a little something small to start off his day off in the right way.

After putting them on a plate,he took a sit on the couch and turned on the TV.He began channel surfing until he stopped in the news channel:

"Cultist reports around Ebott seem to point to a decrease of action.It would seem that they have been more reluctant to perform attacks,ever since last year,with the official announcement of the Delta Squad,a team of talented Delta community members who intervene at the sight of any extreme cultist activity.Mayor Fox has already thanked them for their service,but there hasn't been any real threat to our society.Is it that these individuals are scared or maybe because they're plotting something bigger than we thought?We'll look more into it at 11."

"Typical media.Putting the fear into the people with badly chopped and poorly transmitted information.Ugh.Seriously,is it that hard to just tell the truth?Well,at least they made us look good."Dante told himself,as he continued channel surfing.

"Good morning."Alphys yawned as she entered the living room.

"Somebody had a nice sleep."

"Yeah,one of the best in a while."Alphys took a sit next to Dante.

"Geez,work treating you like that?"

"Pretty much.We're working on how to expand specific monster systems in the Underground to the surface.It's a lot of hard work,and being the royal scientist means that I have to oversee every single project.But the payoff could be amazing if we succeed,so it's worth it.I just wished it wasn't so exhausting..."

"Don't worry Alphys!I know for a fact you're gonna find the key."Dante encouraged on,which she replied with her usual small smile.

"Thanks.So...what are you watching?"

"Just channel surfing really."

(Time Skip)

Dante was walking around the city,seeing what it had to offer.He didn't really have much to do,but he liked to just walk around and see if he could spot something new.Usually,it would be a new restaurant or some sort of shop.

As he walked,he ended up at the MTT resort in Uptown.Maybe a Starfait was just what he needed.

As he walked into the emporium section,Dante noticed an monster with no arms,sipping out of a Starfait.Recognizing him,he took a sit next to him:

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