Chapter 14-Show Time

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Alphys's POV

I decided it's time for Dante to get some new clothes,so I went with him to the mall to help him choose.Unfornately,he didn't seem very interested in a lot of the options available.Everytime I suggested something,he would always say it didn't appeal him.In the end,we didn't buy any new clothes,just white polos and dark blue jeans,so at least he didn't use the same ones over and over.Something did caught his eye,however:a pair of blue,white and red sneakers with the pattern of the United States flag,called "Stars and Stripes chucks".Dante was practically begging me to buy it.I was just glad he wasn't completely against a change of look...even if it was a small one.
As we made our way to the register,I noticed the cashiers were none other than the two I used to hangout with in the Underground.

"OMG!Alphys,it's so good to see you!"Bratty greeted.

"Like,totally."Catty agreed.

"Oh hey!I didn't know you guys worked here."

"Oh yeah!Like,I got a job here,because I love the mall and I heard Mettaton usually comes here...anyways,after I got the job,I recommended Catty and stuff..."

"And here we are and stuff...but anyways who's your new friend over there?"Catty said pointing to Dante.

"Hey there!I'm Dante...I guess you could say I'm Alphys's new roomie."He greeted with a smile.

"Oh my god!He's such a cute human!!!"Catty blared out,making Dante blush a little...

"Catty...stop!You're making him flustered and stuff..."Bratty said.Alphys noticed Dante's blush and gave a small giggle.

"Hey,come on you guys!He's 11 years old."Alphys said.

"That doesn't mean he isn't cute...meow."

"Catty,like,come,give us your clothes so you can pay and leave and stuff..."Alphys proceed to giving the clothes to Bratty,while Catty scanned the shoes.

"Good choice,cutie..."Catty said as Dante's blush got even bigger.

Alphys and Dante left after paying and walked around the mall for a bit.

"So...about Catty...sorry,she's not very good at...not being like that..."Alphys apologized.

"It's...fine really.I kinda like it?I don't know,it felt weird...and kinda good at the same time...i don't know..."Dante replied.He was just a boy,after all..

After a while of walking,Alphys spotted a familiar face and went to say hello.

"Hey,Napstablook!"The ghost turned around to greet Alphys.

"Oh!Hey Alphys.Good to see you."He said in his usual melancholic tone.

"So what are you doing here?"

"I'm just doing some shopping for Mettatton.He wanted to do it himself,but with the crazy fans and those clerks from the clothes store,he asked me to do it.I just hope i get his sense of fashion right..."

"I'm sure you will;just get him something pink,he always wears that color..."Alphys noticed that Dante was just politely watching the conversation."Oh,this is Dante,my new roomie.Dante,this is Napstablook,Mettaton's cousin."

Dante thought for a while until he remembered that during the tour he took with Papyrus and Sans,he saw a poster of a pink robot.Dante looked confused...

"Wait a minute!How are you cousins with..."He stopped to think for a while before finishing his sentence."You know what?Never mind,i'll just go with it."Dante said nonchalantly.

"Well,it's been great seeing you Alphys.Oh!It was also great meeting you Dante.Bye..."As Napstablook began to fade away,he re-materialized to say something else."Actually...i have some extra tickets to Mettaton's talk guys could see Mettaton and talk to him after it."

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