Chapter 25-Love Is A Funny Thing

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3rd person POV

"Okay,Alphys.I'm going to the mall now."Dante said,as he as about to go.He had taken Chara up on the offer she made him and they were meeting at the mall to watch a movie.

"Wait!Do you have everything you need?"Alphys asked,seeming a little worried.She was watching Mew Mew Kissy Cutie on the couch,wearing her Mew Mew sweater.She got up and went to Dante to check.

"Let's see.Money...check."He began counting the requirements."Phone...100% percent charge!

"Okay.That's everything..."

"Alphys,I'm just going to the movies.There's no need for this.You trust me,don't you?"

"O-of co-course I do!"She stuttered a bit before regaining her composure:"That doesn't mean I can't worry."

"I'll be fine...I promise."

"Okay then.Goodbye."She said as he left the house.

"Bye Alphys."He waved goodbye as he left.

(Some time later)

Dante was waiting at the movie theater for Chara.The movie was just about to start and he was getting impatient.

"Where is she?"He thought to himself.

Chara soon appeared through the escalators.She was wearing her usual outfit,with her shoulderless green sweater and black shorts,leggings and shoes.However,this time she was wearing Frisk's jacket.Dante was a little weirded out by this,but ignored it.


"Where were you?The movie is about to start."Dante pouted a little angry.

"Would you relax?The publicity is still starting.Plus..."She grabbed some papers from the jacket's pocket:"I already bought the tickets online."

"Oh...Okay.So,what movie are we watching."

"Through The Sadistic Eyes.It's a movie about a guy who stalkes their victims and tortures them to death."

Dante look a little frightened by the title and Chara picked up on this.

"Don't tell me you're scared...can't handle a little horror movie?"She said with a small smile.

"Psh...please.I'm not scared of anything."He said trying to sound brave,but it came unsure.Chara kept her smile as she began to head for the box office.

"Well come on!I wanna get some things before we go inside."

Dante followed behind as Chara waited in line.When it was their turn,Chara bought some chocolate and a soda,and Dante bought some popcorn with a soda as well.The two followed to the theater and took their seat as the advertisements were still playing.

"See?I told you so."Chara said to Dante.

"Yeah,yeah...Oh!Look!It's about to begin."He said,noting the production company names appearing on screen.

(2 hours later)

"Well,that was a disappointment..."Dante said as they left the theater.

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