Chapter 28-Inescapable Past

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Dante's POV

Undyne thought it would be a good idea to add some more sparring partners to the usual training in the forest.She said it would teach us how to handle different types of opponents at once.Joining us were Sans,Asriel and Frisk.Alphys was there too,to monitor us and take notes about our combat styles,per Undyne's request.

"Alright,listen up,punks!"Undyne had us organized in a row,while she and Alphys faced us:"Today,we're gonna do team battles.There will two teams formed of three and the first team to go down,loses.This is a no hold back,kinda situation,so any ability is allowed.Any questions?"

Dante immediately raised his arm:"Yes,Dante?"

"How did you convince Sans to be a part of this?"

"ketchup,kid."Sans answered.

"Of course..."Chara said under her breath while face palming,which Sans gave a small chuckle.

"Okay then!The teams will be Sans,Frisk and Chara versus me,Asriel and Dante."Undyne continued:"My team stays here and Sans's team goes to the other side to prepare.You have five minutes,so hurry up!"

"can we have 10?i'm kinda of a...lazybones..."Sans winked at Undyne,who looked ready to shred him to pieces.

(10 minutes later)

The teams were standing on opposite sides of each other,facing each other.Alphys was standing behind the tree line,so she wouldn't be caught in the cross fire.It wasn't exactly the first time she witnessed one of Undyne's training sessions and she knew,for a fact,she tended to get carried away.

"Ready,punks?!"Undyne screamed from the her side.

" we go..."Sans said,before summoning a Gaster blaster.The blaster shot a giant laser straight at Undyne and the others.

"Look out!"Azzy said as they all jumped out of the way.

"What the hell,Sans?!"Undyne screamed at him.

"sorry...never been one for fair play...go get them,kiddos!"

Frisk and Chara began to rush the team,who had just recovered from the blast.They summoned their weapons and Chara went straight for Asriel,while Frisk charged into Dante.Undyne summoned a spear and charged a frontal assault at Sans.

Asriel summoned his Chaos Sabers and tried to parry Chara's slashes.One of them was too quick for him to dodge,but he quickly regained his composure and clashed with Chara:

"Come on,bro.Try harder!"She taunted him.

"Oh,you want harder?Fine,then!"

Asriel unsummoned one of his Sabers,while using the other one to parry the slashes and use his free hand to summon thunderbolts.The bolts were chained to follow as Chara dodged them,but got a hit by the last one.Asriel,seeing the opportunity,traded his Saber for his Chaos Buster.He knelled so he could handle the weight of the weapon and took aim:

"Brace yourself,sis!"Chara payed attention to Asriel,as he began to unleash a barrage of projectiles,straight in her direction.Still recovering from Shocker Breaker,she only parried some of them,and take some damage from the attack.

"How's that for harder?"He rushed her once again with his Sabers.

Frisk swong his stick at Dante.He took the hit and clutched his gut as he was pushed back.

"I thought you were supposed to be a pacifist."Dante said with chuckle as he summoned his spear and shield.

"Most of times,yeah."Frisk said he as prepared another swing.This time though,Dante raised his shield and parried his attack.He then took the opportunity to slash at Frisk,who jumped out of the way.He began bashing Dante's shield,to try to break through it.In response,Dante pushed him off and quickly switched his spear for his gauntlet and prepare to punch.Frisk did a back flip to avoid the blow,but Dante had planned ahead:he faked out the punch and switched his shield for his whip,which he wrapped around Frisk's waist.

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