Chapter 29-Scars To Heal

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Dante's POV

Ugh...where am I?Okay,that has to be my catchphrase by now,I mean,seriously.

I am lying down in a bed.A race car bed?Odd...there's action figures,a computer and a pirate flag...but,before I can finish analyzing,I noticed a small skeleton,looking at me with his pupiless eyes.

"well...good morning.did ya sleep well?"He said,with a tone of arrogance.

I didn't answer his question.I simply tried to get out of bed,but as I was getting out of bed,some bones blocked my way out.

"nope.we need to have a talk,kid."

I didn't have a choice...I stayed in bed.I felt a small pain over my chest and I felt bandages over it,as I tried to grab the wounds.Sans approached the bed and sat at the end of it.

"look,i'll make this ask something,and i'll answer,and you do the"His eyes returned to his normal state.I realized that Sans was trying to play it cool,but I could tell he was still wary of me.

"Where am I?"I asked.

"that's're in Paps's room,in our house."Sans answered:"now,my turn.have you been spying on me?"


"Then how do know how to use those blasters?"

I didn't answer and simply bowed my head.Sans took the hint:

"okay,maybe an easier one, do you teleport?not"

"I picture myself in a place and I appear there.The farther away the place..."

"the more magic you consume."Sans interrupted:"heh heh.that's funny,cuz that's how i do it too."

A silence settled between us for a moment.I was trying to think of something to say,but I didn't know what to say.The situation was too...weird.But,one thing is for sure...I have all my memories back...I went after Alphys and Undyne almost killed me...

"look,let's cut to the chase,k?it'd make my job easier...'sides,you kinda own me..."

"For blasting me into a tree?"I replied in a snappy tone.

"for taking care of you for the last three days,but hey..."

Three days?Man,I must have really blacked out.I wonder how Alphys is doing...

"Why did you take me in?Three days ago,you were whooping my ass."

Sans sighed:"because,that expression you had in your face...that's the expression of a terrified kid who knows they did something me,I know that expression better than i would like to..."

I couldn't even look at him.I just faced the wall,thinking of what I did.I regretted hurting them,but...Alphys...why did have she lie to me?

"you can fix your mistakes,kid.scars like the ones you caused won't heal easily...but they can fade,if you try to heal them."

His words hit me...hard...

"you can start by telling me how you learn these tricks."

"You wouldn't believe me,even if I told you..."

"try me..."Sans insisted in learning the truth.

I took a deep breath.I was going to tell him,even if it didn't make up for any of my errors:

"I'm not from this world,Sans."

He rose his eyebrow...I mean,his...skull?I don't know:"what do you mean?"

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