Chapter 8-The Return

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W.D.Gaster's POV

3 years...i've been torturing him for 3 years.I can't lie to myself anymore...i'm not "helping" him,i'm not "restoring" him,I'M TORTURING HIM!!!God,I feel sick...the worst part is that since time remains still within the Void...he has been 11 years old all this time.

I can't do this hurts me to see him whimper in pain or hear him cry for help...

I work with him is done.I taught him everything i could...

I have put him through doesn't matter what his purpose is...he deserves to be be happy...

Using my research,i have found a way to create a portal that can connect the Void to the Overworld.However,i can only go through it,but cannot remain there for too long for i do not have a SOUL,otherwise i will fade from existence.I should have enough time to drop 27 in the Overworld and return.

For all things considered,it's highly possible that 27 might experience memory loss due to the transference,much like he experienced when his SOUL appeared in the Void.Honestly...i hope he does forget...he shouldn't remember what happened to him.

3rd person POV

Gaster left his lab and made his way to 27's room.He used the secret camera he had instaled in his room to make sure he was asleep.When he looked,he saw 27 sleeping against the wall,his eyes dry from the all tears.He sighed at the sight and became even more confident in his decision.He walked into the room,silently as to not wake up 27,and picked him up,bridal style.Gaster made his way into the lab,where he laid 27 in a couch.Afterwards,he went to a small closet on the other side of the room.In this closet,Gaster kept his wardrobe as well as the box that contained 27's old clothes.He opened the box and grabbed the while polo shirt,the black jeans and the light blue sneakers,and proceed to dress 27.He wanted 27 to forget,so he wasn't taking any chances.Now,with 27 fully clothed and still asleep,he picked him up once more and carried him into the battle arena.
He laid 27 on the ground and began to summon the portal.He extended his arms,closed his eyes and began to focus.As the portal began to apear,Gaster gave it one last push...he opened his eyes,increasing his magical input on the summon.His traditional white pupils had been replaced by a cyan blue left eye and a bright orange right eye.As a portal began to stabilize,Gaster's eyes returned to their original form,as he clutched his chest from the exhaustion.But he wasn't done...he picked 27 yet again and went through the portal...

Now in the Overworld,Gaster knew there was only one place where 27 would be safed.Luckily,the portal appeared in the region of Ebott City where monsters had set up camp since they left the Underground,named Monster Village,courtesy of the king great naming skills.Everyone had kept their original houses from the Underground,with the exception of the king,who moved into a small cottage,with a small garden in the backyard.Gaster proceeded to the backyard,through a gate in the white wooden fence,while still carrying 27.The garden was blooming with colors,filled with orchids and roses following the fence lines and a small pink cherry blossom tree planted in the corner,probably a gift from Alphys.But the crown jewel of the garden had to be the patch of buttercups,resembling the ones the king once had in his throne room.Gaster approached the patch and laid 27 in the flowers gently.The scientist looked at 27 one last time,recalling all the awful things he brought himself to do to this child.He couldn't forgive himself...after everything...but,at least,there were some good times that would ease his pain.And now,27 could be happy.That thought brought tranquility to his mind.

Now was his time to go.He couldn't stay for long,due to his SOULless nature.Gathering whatever magical energy he had left,he summoned another portal,this time to go back to the Void...and,probably never return.Once the portal had been summoned,he tried his hardest not to collapse from the magical and energetic burnout it took for the summoning.He looked once more at 27,resting peaceful in the bed of buttercups.He he has having nice dreams,perhaps he had lost his memory of everything that had happened to him.

As Gaster stepped into the portal,he began to close it,but not before he could whisper something to himself:

"I'm sorry..."


A/N:This chapter will conclude the Arc 1 of The Soul Of Chaos,which is titled:"The Failed Experiment".Has of writing this,the book is at 80 views,and i wanna say thank you so much for checking it out,since i thought it would only get one view!!!!!!!The next chapter will feature some more of our favorite characters and it will be the beginning of Arc 2:"A Demon's Promise".So hopefully you'll stick around and i'll see you in the next chapter!

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