Chapter 4-A Father's Love

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(2 years later)

W.D.Gaster's POV

It's just as i thought.The barrier seemed to make some sort of database of the items that the 8 fallen children carried when they fell in.They themselves were all different traits and it must have associated the magic colors to the respective traits.That knife belonged to Chara Dreemur,i remember now!Since two determination souls fell in,i can only assume the weapons must have fused together to make 27's spear.After all,it's not common to find a spear crafted with that type of blade.

As his training continued,27 became able to summon other weapons,all made of different colored magic crystals:a yellow revolver,a green frying pan he uses as a shield,a cyan whip,two blue saw blades,an orange gauntlet and a purple notebook,that could split into five smaller ones and explode on command.As i told him the names of the traits,he began coming up with names,like his"Revolver of Justice" or his"Shurikens of Integrity".He pouted when i said there was no point to that.

Today,i will teach him some real magic...

"Monster magic?"27 asked

"Yes.You may have mastered human magic,but now it's time to get into something more difficult.I will teach some of my own techniques..."

Subject 27's POV

His own techniques,ah?Well,this should fun.

"Now,let us begin..."Gaster said,as he snapped his fingers.

Hey,where did he go?!Did he just vanish out of thin air?!

"Aham..."i felt someone place their hand on my back."AAAAHHH!".As i jumped back,i saw Gaster with his biggest smile yet."How in the world did you just..."

"Magic.But,to be more specific,it's called...a"shortcut",the ability to disappear and reappear in another location."Gaster interrupted me"And that's not all..."he said as he,once again snapped his fingers.However,instead of disappearing,a giant white skull appeared out of nowhere and blasted a giant beam of energy into the air.I was shocked beyond believe,but then it hit me...

"Hey!I said no secrets!You've been holding out,G."I said while pouting.Gaster replied simply by letting out a small chuckle.

"At the time i wanted you focused in human magic and if you knew about this,you would be begging me to teach you this."I had no response,I can't say he was lying."Now,let's see if you can handle this type of magic."

(5 hours later)

I'm exhausted,i feel like my body's gonna collapse.But i won't leave this room until i can do all that cool stuff!

"One more chance.Please!"I begged Gaster,who told me to stop about an hour ago.

"You're out of breath.Even if you did teleport,you wouldn't be able to choose your destination,you could appear somewhere dangerous."

"No worries,i got this.I promise!"i said,preparing to teleport

W.D.Gaster's POV

This is ridiculous!He just won't give up.He certainly has willpower.He prepared to teleport once more,but before i could tell him to stop,he simply disappeared.However,he was nowhere to be seen.Where could have he gone?I hope he didn't get outside of the facility.I swear,sometimes this boy pushes the limits!While i was debating on what to do,i heard a voice that seemed to be above me.

"GGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".When i looked up,i saw 27 falling from the sky.I barely had time to react and summon my hand to prevent his fall.With him in safety,i turned my hand into a fist,with him in it.

"So,about that..."he said,with a shy smile

"Next time,when i say stop,i MEAN IT!"

"I'm...sorry..."he looked visibly shaken,perhaps from the fall...or from my attitude.

"Huh...well,at least you know how to...somewhat teleport."I said,as i released him from my grip"Now,get some rest,and please,no disturbance coming from your room."

"Sure thing!"he said before rushing off to his room,which had already been opened.Since he seems obedient enough,i let his room door open,until he checks in for the night.Once inside,he went to sleep and i closed his door.

I went through the second door on the right side of hallway,after closing off the battle arena.In this room,which i call the Watchtower,i can monitor the activity that goes on in the Overworld.

It seems things have gotten slightly better.Humans are becoming more comfortable with the idea of monsters around them.Several of them have even become quite popular,like Mettaton.His flamboyant personality and flexibility as an actor seems quite appealing to the humans.Also,Muffet and Grillby have set up their own restaurants,competing for the highest number of customers.It's good to see the monsters so...happy...but i know the truth.In the shadows lurk those who wish to harm monsters and even put them into the Underground once more.I won't let that happen.

But...the most important thing sons.

Papyrus...according to other monsters,seems to have improved his cooking skills,ever since he's changed his mentor from Undyne to Toriel.And speaking of the former queen,it would appear Sans took a liking to her.They spend a lot of time together,and he evens involves himself into Asriel,Chara and Frisk's lives.They have yet to go on a date,but if she likes his terrible puns,i'd say he's a lucky fellow.For as far as i could see through this monitor,i saw him hiding his pain...for so long...constantly wearing that smile to prevent others from knowing of his pain.But now,he smiles...because he's happy.I'm glad they are doing okay.

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