Chapter 44-The Judge In Question

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Dante's POV

Another day,another test.I was at the Toriel and Sans house,waiting for Sans.Asgore wasn't specific on what we were doing,but I wasn't really expecting something very intense.

I think I somewhat figured out the pattern to these tests.Asgore pins me against someone and the next two tests are just other stuff.Then the process repeats itself.So,if I'm right,I should do this test and tomorrow it will something similar.And the last one must be the final FIGHT against a really tough opponent.I wonder who it could be.

"Sans,Dante has been waiting for a while now."Toriel called from the living room:"I'm sorry for this inconvenience Dante ."

"It's fine.At this point,I'm already used to it."

"Well yes.After a while you kinda do.Still,this is Sans.So I don't see any improvement coming."

"Yep."I simply putted.

(20 minutes later)

Toriel was getting pretty fed up of waiting on Sans.

"Sans!"Toriel yelled from the top of her lungs.

"what?"Sans just randomly appeared next to him.

"Sans!There you are!You two have to go or you're to be late!"

"'s no problem,tori.i'll just take one of my "shortcuts"."

"You should try walking sometime Sans.It would do good for your muscles.Your..."

Sans just smirked and the two shared a chuckle.

"All right.You have me there.Now,before you're late."

"can't a guy get a goodbye kiss before work?"

Toriel sighed as she picked up Sans by the armpits and gave him a small peck on the cheek.

"There,lazybones."She putted him back:"Now,go."

"alright,we're going."He took a look at me and continued:"kiddo,piggyback."


"you wanna be late?c'mon now..."

I grabbed Sans and placed him on my back.He was very light,honestly.

"Okay,now what?"

He snapped his fingers as he gave a quick chuckle.Suddenly,we were inside the embassy and Sans jumped off my back.

"we're here."

"The embassy?What are we doing here?"

"better if i show ya rather than telling ya.follow me."

Sans started walking through the hall with me following at his side.The halls were filled with monsters and humans dressed in suits,all rushing to different places.

We soon made it to a massive door with the Delta Rune engraved on it.There was a lot of whispers going around,but I couldn't make out anything they were saying.Sans opened the door to reveal a courtroom filled with people.

As I followed him across,the people started whispering once more.However,this time they only whispered about the presence of the Delta Judge and who I might be.

"here.have a seat and pay attention."Sans instructed me.

I sat down as he made his way to the judge's stand.

"All rise for the honorable judge Sans."A member of the Royal Guard said,who was stationed as the security.He reassembled a bull,with horns and a piercing in his nostrils,and was wearing the Guard's armor.

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