Chapter 45-Routine Check-Up

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3rd person POV

Dante was in Alphys' lab in Hotland Avenue.Asgore wanted him to get a check-up on the condition of his SOUL and maybe a change in stats.

Alphys had Dante some fitness tests as well as taking a couple of samples.Dante was sweating from all the tread mill running,wall climbing and even a quick match with Undyne,but truthfully the worst had to be the samples.Most of them required him to spit or pee in a cup,but some of them needed his blood,and the needles brought back bad memories.

Dante had always had a fear of needles,even before he discovered what Gaster did to him,though.Nonetheless,he trusted Alphys and knew that she wouldn't do anything to purposely harm him.He just held his breath through it and it was soon over.

"And...done!"Alphys warned as her computer finished analyzing the stats.

"That's it?"

"That's it."

Dante got up from the bed he was sitting on and approached the computer:


20/20 ATK 27 DEF 27

This creature seems to be some sort of hybrid

"Huh.I was kinda expecting my stats to change with all the training."Dante commented.

"Well,actually...those tend to stay the same for most of someone's life."

"But can't they change somehow?"

"There is a way.Through a massive surge of energy,a person could temporarily improve their stats.But it only lasts as long until someone completely burns through their magic.For example,Undyne has her Undying form,which allows her to make more powerful attacks and boost her stats to almost a hundred."

Dante gave a quick whistle:"Man,those are some high stats.And somehow,the toughest guy in the Underground only has 1 ATK,1 DEF and 1 HP.How in the world does that work?"

"Your answer is just as good as mine.That's a question I've been trying to figure out ever since I found out about his powers.Gaster must have trained him well."


Alphys turned off the computer and the two left the examination room.

"Hey,you wanna go back home and watch some anime?I was planning on binge watching this one called "Tokyo Ghoul".They say it's really good."

"Actually...I was thinking of maybe taking a walk.Plus,I feel like it's been a lot of TV watching lately on our part."He gave a small smile at Alphys,who replied with a nervous giggle.

"Sorry,it's just...We've been on the Surface for so long,and yet,it feels like I barely scratched the surface of what anime has to offer!"

Dante gave a quick sigh:"We have to go to Japan some time."

"Yeah.That would be nice."

The two made it to the entrance and stopped:

"Actually,you should watch this one I saw last night.It's called "Grave of the Fireflies".It's a boy and his sister trying to survive during a war.It's a little heavy,but I think you'll really enjoy it."

"Sounds interesting!I'll check it out."She started making her way home as Dante walked into the city.

"Come back safe!"


(Time Skip)

Dante's POV

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