Chapter 20-Training Day

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Undyne's POV

"Again!"I yelled at Dante.We were training in the forest,like we have been for the last couple of weeks.Asgore gave me some time off to see if Dante could have some practice with his new found abilities.
As expected with the training,Dante has been able to summon all the others weapons he had at the museum:a gauntlet,a revolver,a shield,a bomb,some saw blades and a whip.These are the very items that were being showed in the exhibit...I guess that explains his panic attack.Still though,what is his relation with those items...and why is he able to have all types of magic?Ah!Some many questions and no clear answers in sight.It's frustrating!

As I was thinking about this,Dante attempted to make yet another frontal assault with his spear,which I counter with very little effort.

"Dammit!What am I doing wrong?"Dante said frustrated.

"You can't just attack and expect to win.You have to think your moves through.Remember what happened when I rushed at Chara?"Dante let out a small chuckle:

"Yeah,you got your butt kicked."

"HEY!"Undyne yelled:"That's not what happened.It was a tie."

"Sure it was."Dante replied with a grin.

"Anyways...during that point,she was able to out maneuver me and gained an advantage.But she only know how to do that,because she had a strategy."

"Can't you just wing it?"

"No.Combat isn't simply a matter of who hits the hardest.Cause if it was,I would have DESTROYED HER EASILY!FUHUHUHU!Okay,let's work out the basics first.You're gonna need to find a style and a stance."Dante looked a little confused.

"What do you mean,a stance?"

"In combat,you need to embody a position that helps your style of combat,so it doesn't stop your momentum.You have to flow freely with your weapons,otherwise you'll be defeated every time.Now,try to think of a stance for you."

Dante took some time to think of a couple he could use.After some posing resembling of Mettaton's of several stances,he stopped as if he had a breakthrough:"Wait...I think I found the perfect one."

He summoned his spear on his right hand and his shield on his left hand.He then used the straps on the shield to attach it to his left arm.

"Gladiator style.Okay..."I said as I examined him closely:"But why that specific one?"

"I have a defensive and offensive position at the same time AND,I can easily switch between my weapons without sacrificing my momentum."

"Well,not bad...but,with this stance,you can't focus on many targets at the same time,meaning you can get easily overwhelmed...Still,not a bad choice."

Dante simply replied with a smile.Alright,time to see what this weenie can really do!

3rd person POV 

"Okay then!Let's try again,but without the wimpy stuff.Are you ready?!"Undyne said,pumped with energy.

"I mean...Yeah..."Dante said shyly.

"No!Attitude!Come on,get pumped!!!"

"Okay!I'm pumped,let's do this thing!!!"Dante said with more excitement.

"That's the spirit!!!"Undyne summoned her spear and drew it at Dante's:"En Garde!!!".Dante held his ground and parried her spear.Undyne was a little surprised,but grew a grin as she readied her next attack.

Undyne attempted a mad flurry of attacks,to which Dante parried most of them with his shield,but had to dodge some of them too powerful to block.Undyne turned Dante's SOUL green and locked him in place.She unleashed a volley of spears,coming from every direction.Dante unsummoned his spear and hold his left arm to block the spears with the shield.As he blocked the cyan spears,he got it with a couple of yellow ones before learning how to block these.The spell eventually wore off and Dante was able to move again,re-positioning himself to get a better angle on Undyne.He split his bomb into 5 smaller ones and threw them at Undyne.Undyne prepared herself for the blast,but it didn't happen.Dante summoned his shurikens and threw at Undyne while she was distracted with the bombs.The shurikens grazed both her arms before disappearing and Dante made the bombs exploded.The explosion sent Undyne flying,but she resistant enough to counter attack.She summoned hundreds of the spears while in the air and launched them at Dante,who panicked at the sight and summoned his revolver.He tried to shoot some of the spears,but was hit by large majority of them,despite his attempt to dodge.He was stunned as Undyne summoned a spear into her hands and launched herself at Dante.

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